Her | Teen Ink


May 13, 2021
By dwhit2021 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
dwhit2021 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


“Edward, can you grab the camera?” Mom yelled while looking at my sister Sarah's gesture for me to come closer for our picture. As quickly as the camera’s aperture opened and closed, I was 21. I stood with a silver tiara above my head, navy and yellow sundress loosely fitting my curves, and sparkling heels to match. Meanwhile, Sarah was in her typical gray sweats and bunny-shaped slippers. 

Since I turned 16, mom began to favor me more. I never understood why. Sarah and Mom always got into huge arguments; however, whenever I walked in, they would immediately stop and disperse. Originally, they were much closer. Leaving me to believe that mom’s favoritism for me was the reason for their discourse. By 18, I was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder. Sarah rarely smiled. The only time Sarah smiles is when my boyfriend Marcus, her, and I all hangout together. The three of us grew up together. Years later, my feelings for Marcus grew. He ended up being a star football player at Ball State University. 

Marcus was everything a girl could dream of. I was head over heels. He had jet black hair, green eyes and perfect teeth. He was on his way to graduate Magna Cum Laude as a Chemical engineering major with me. Alongside myself, he was one of the few people to make Sarah happy. This provided me with reassurance most of the time, but there would be days when Marcus showed up and they'd look at each other like pieces of meat on a dog bone. On those days, I reminded myself that I chose him first. Technically, it wasn’t fair considering I had a feeling Sarah liked him first. But, she was too quiet for him anyways. Basically, I did her a favor. 

         Marcus arrived in a white-fitted shirt gripping his biceps and chest with blue jeans to match. I literally almost drooled. Sarah, of course, ran up and gave him a hug. He gripped her waist close as they had small talk. When they finished, I came up and gave him a kiss. When we finished, we walked through the dimly lit hallway to take a seat in the dining room. All the lights went out as I took a seat on a chestnut-colored wood chair. 

“Okay,” I say, ”what's with the lights?”

“Happy birthday to you…Happy birthday Dear Genna…Happy birth--”

“Mom, you can't keep forgetting it’s Sarah's birthday too!”

“Oops and Sarah,” my mom mumbled. “Happy birthday you guys!”

I whispered an apology to Sarah, but she seemed so unfazed. Yet, I sensed deep down she wanted to cry. When the lights returned, she went upstairs as I blew out our candles.

“I’ma go comfort her since you have all these guests here okay?” Marcus said.

I nodded and smiled as everyone came around to give me my gifts and take pictures, while Marcus went upstairs joining Sarah on her bed.

“Are you okay?” Marcus asked.

“Yeah I'm fine. Just ready for the day to be over.”

“Well if you need anything,” he said tucking her hair behind her ear, “I’m here.”

Locking eyes, he slowly moved in closer. Then he leaned in for a kiss and couldn’t stop.

“Mom…have you seen Sarah or Marcus? They've been gone for a while?”

“Yes, they went up stairs,” she said.

“I'll just go check on them,” I said.

I walked upstairs and couldn’t find them anywhere. Finally, I knocked on Sarah’s locked door. Her door is never locked. I called Marcus’s phone and listened as it rang on the floor. I dropped down to look underneath the white door to see anything, and then a tear fell from my eye. I knew it. I knew. I knew it.  It was her from the start. I walked to my room and grabbed it. Drizzling it down the stairs as I casually walked past the dining room. I wiped my face and told everyone that I was tired and thanked them for coming. As everyone left, I asked Mom and Dad to purchase my favorite oreo and strawberry blizzard mix from Dairy Queen. Once they walked out the door, Marcus and Sarah walked down looking more friendlier than before.

“You feel better?” I asked, smiling and tilting my head a smidge.

“Yes, so much better,” they replied.

“Great, well everybody. Since you're here do you guys want to meet me upstairs in the loft? Just take a seat on the couch and pick out a movie. I'll make some popcorn and meet you guys up there in 10 minutes.” I said.

“Okay thanks sis, you're the best.” She leaned in and gave me a hug.

I nodded. Once I heard them go upstairs, I set a ten-minute timer with the popcorn inside. I stealthily walked over to the drawer with the match. I locked every door in the house and blocked it with a barrier. Hopefully, they'll learn. There's 3 minutes left on the clock. The popcorn officially smells burnt and that's when I light the candle. 

“Everything okay down there Genna? Did you burn the popcorn again? Marcus asked.

“You know me, I always burn it the first time.” I say, as I start to light the curtains at the back door in the kitchen.  

The smoke sensor goes off and the fire begins spreading.

“Genna! Is everything okay I'm coming down the whole house is full of smoke.” He says.

There's 10 seconds left but, this time I don’t answer, as I have been dragging lighter oil from the start of her room down the stairs leading up unto the front door.*PING* I lit the match and dropped it in the oil watching it travel through the house growing larger as I heard them fall down the stairs. I couldn't do anything but laugh. I shut the door while watching everything burn up in flames. I knew it was her from the start.

The author's comments:

 I got my idea straight from my own mind. Nothing influenced me to write it the way that I did. When  I heard about the prompt  I wrote on my google doc “to add two twin sisters, one of the two will fall in love with the boyfriend, the other sister cheats on with her  sister's boyfriend.”The way that I tried to set this up was through doing the unexpected. I wanted it to seem like Genna was having a completely normal life and that she was the more likeable for everything except for her relationship.  I did this so she just completely loses control. I can say that I'm most proud of the fact that I was able to tie expected things like sex and murder to be a part of my story yet I used it in a way where wasn't predictable.I tried to include the fact that she had been diagnosed with  being bipolar to prevent confusion. Another thing I included was how the mom and sarahs relationship started very poorly because Sarah and Marcus had been cheating on each other for a while and they did it behind Genna's back. The biggest thing I attempted to do was leave them thinking that shes just going to cry or go home and the last thing that I wanted them to think was that she was going to burn the whole house up in flames. The intended theme could be “you reap what you sow”, meaning they made poor choices so in the end  they got what they deserved. The hardest thing about my writing process would be shortening it and making sure I wasn't telling the reader too much, letting them figure it out for themselves, not over describing anything, and using less concrete imagery. 

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