Unlikely Friends | Teen Ink

Unlikely Friends

April 11, 2022
By Anonymous

Phil, the orange rotund corgi with white paws proudly trotted into the park with a brand new lime green tennis ball in his mouth. The grass was green and healthy, newly trimmed. The sky was bright blue with white cotton ball clouds bouncing through the sky. The sun was shining on Phils outrageously large ears as he was bounding through the grass to bring the tennis ball back to his owner for another round of fetch. The owner grabbed the ball and threw it, without meaning to so the ball soard through the air and Phil did not see where it went. The ball was lost, but this was Phil's brand new ball, so he decided to go on a search. 

After walking around for a while Phil sat on the ground and started crying out of frustration.

“What's wrong pal?” A massive Newfoundland dog looked down to Phil, genuinely concerned about the upset dog. 

“I lost my new ball, I really miss it.” Phil replied in a sad and short manner.

“I know who can help, Granny!” the Newfoundland declared as he was jumping up and walking away, “Im Gabe by the way. Let's find your ball.”

They walked together and before Phil knew it, a gray cat with yellow eyes was before him. Phil bared his teeth, ready to attack the cat.

“Gabe get our friend under control- I can't believe I'm his first cat friend.” Granny the gray cat replied.

“Phil is a little new at making friends, say sorry to Granny for being mean to her and we can all be friends.” Gabe said kindly while trying to make peace.

“I'm sorry I growled at you and am mad Granny. I really just miss my ball and am scared of cats.” Phil said, genuinely apologetic.

“It's okay little orange dog, making friends isn't always easy. We come in all shapes and sizes, but what matters is how we treat each other. And by the way, is this the ball you've been searching for?”

Behind her, Granny pulled out the bright green tennis ball.

“You found it! Thank you so much!” Phil exclaimed, jumping into the air.

He took the ball in his mouth and was about to walk away from Granny and Gabe when an idea hit him. 

“Thanks for finding my ball guys, but would you like to play altogether?” Phil asked sheepishly.

“ WE WOULD LOVE TO!” Gabe and Granny said at the same time.

The three became the best of friends and became the best of friends from then on.

The author's comments:

This is a fable about making friends and keeping them, that friends are important and good to have in life.

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