The Falling | Teen Ink

The Falling

September 26, 2022
By Anonymous

The Falling

They lay in the grass. They can feel that cold feeling, a feeling some years ago they would have giggled at the thought of feeling it. The loneliness is almost set in their chests, they look at each other. The blinding smiles are gone.

What do they do now? They stare, empty eyes to the sky, wondering, screaming, crying, laughing, why? Their cold hands reach out and hold each other, silent comfort. Dressed in black and white, till death do us part, they feel they’ve been parted from their loves for far too long. They remember how it felt, to have such close contact with someone they loved. They are a poor substitute for the care they once knew. 

Is this it? They think, is this all that is left for them, the empty expanse of isolation? They are bored of this field. They have watched moon after moon rise and fall over that same horizon. How much longer? 

They begin to fall. 

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