Vivid Fantasy | Teen Ink

Vivid Fantasy

November 29, 2022
By snoopydance BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
snoopydance BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Run to the rescue with love, and peace will follow.'" - River Phoenix

Sitting in an open field, sweeping your hands back and forth on the smooth blades of grass, as your eyes follow the flock of birds flying by. All of them are in perfect sync as they travel north for the upcoming spring, drifting swiftly through the wistful clouds above. The sense of enlightenment they bring to the bright, expansive sky they travel through allows you a chance to breathe. You imagine getting the chance to soar liberally with no restrictions just like the birds. A sense of freedom the sky brings as you pass by the cities and towns below, catching a glimpse of the familiar world you once overlooked. Your heart and mind feel elevated, along with your altitude. You’ve peaked. Reaching the highest point of the mountain, you feel your worries drift away while equanimity takes over your body. The birds glide with you on your journey and contribute to your hope and desire gathered from the mellow winds the birds' wings create. Pleasant melodies stemming from the colorful birds occupy your ears; pairing with the winds. You are drifting for what feels like an eternity until a branch snapping startles you. 

The sudden wave of reality draws a deep sigh from you as you open your eyes and find yourself in the limitless field you found just hours ago. To your right, a crow observes you as you stare right back, dazed. You view it as it stands there serenely with an inquisitive expression on its face. It’s relatively human-like when you interact with the crow- Its expressions and movements give you a strange feeling. With one last look, it flies towards a flock and makes its way north. Finally, the evening comes to a resolution with a bike ride home; an introduction to your next chapter in life.

Weeks go by since that day. Days are now filled with passion and morality- an attestation to birds and how they’ve given life a new meaning. You walk on the gravelly path leading to an alluring view that has drawn you towards it since its first viewing. The brief travel brings you birds of all kinds as you pass by them; each one having a distinctive meaning to you. Eventually making it to the brilliant landscape, you sit and dream up a fascinating reverie and favor yourself with a new adventure with the birds.

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