My grandmas house | Teen Ink

My grandmas house

February 1, 2023
By jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt of my grandma saying,”Hi Joseph”. Cooking bacon for breakfast. The kitchen smelling as good as Dabadys ‘’Im going baby on baby’’ at the start of suge. The house warm while the outside glistening with snow. The radio bumben with my grandpa favoite artist. Louis Armstong. Too old for me. The TV playing NBA christmas games. Larry bird and Magic analyzing the game, as usually. The warriors vs grizzles are on. Steph raining in the 3s. Got me yellen ‘’Boo Time.’’ In the other room posters on the wall. The lockness monster, an evolution of the shark. An obsession of my family. The research showing this monster lived in black mercy water. The sun letting a little clearence when looking. The last spotting, the Atlantic ocean. Ok, I know, kinda weird. Im not part of this family obsession. I gotta get away from this nonsense. My fav cousin just arrived, kicked of this Jordan 4s and sayen ‘’whats good cuz’’ to the fam. Those Js, almost worth 10,000,000 in my book. Got me wanting to become a ceo. The ceo of who you ask. Danny Duncan, the youtube superstar. Man, I gotta get away from this family. So weird. I want to go as far as this telescope in the research room goes. Put me on mars, I don’t care. Es bueno en Mars. Im done. Just knowing it all started with a hi from my grandma. 

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