Apology | Teen Ink


February 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Dear Elena,

I know the past couple of weeks has been a downfall of our relationship because I haven’t been a good friend has not been spending more time with you. I came to my knowledge that what I had done wasn’t the best decision and was immature of me. I got into a relationship with my boyfriend and have acknowledged your feelings and haven’t been paying attention to you. I want to change my actions and better myself because you are my dearest best friend, and I would never mean to hurt you in any way or shape.


We have so many good memories together and I don’t want to throw all that away for a stupid boy. Remember that one time when we were 9 and we went on a trip to Disney land, and I forced you to ride the roller-coaster and you started sobbing because you were too scared. Those were such good times. Elena, you mean the world to me, and I would never let anyone get in our way and ruin our relationship, so that’s why I am making this apology.


I want to explain myself, so I don’t leave you hanging. I think getting into a relationship was very new to me and I didn’t know how to handle two relationships at a time. I’ll try to make up for the time I’ve missed with you and be a better friend and never let you down again. I am so sorry, and I will learn from my mistakes and change my actions.


I’ve known you almost my whole life and I wouldn’t throw all that away. Although sometimes some friendships have a full out conversation and they end up making up, some friendships don’t because they just stop communicating which makes everything difficult. I don’t want our friendship to be like that because it would be the worst. Sometimes friends just need a little bit of time to rethink what this friendship is to them and how their lives would be without them.


So, I really hope you can forgive me for all I have done because if you hold grudges then it will make everything hard. I know as soon as I got a boyfriend everything changed, and I let that happen, but I would never let that happen again, we always find a way to each other no matter what. I know that sometimes things get a little bit heated, but we always make up, but this time it was my fault because I didn’t realize how hurt you were. I didn’t notice how distance I was from you and that hurts me as much as it hurts you. If you told me how you felt about the situation, not that I don’t acknowledge how you felt, but you could’ve told me I was acting, and how rude, distinct, and how it might have affected you or our relationship. I was too busy being selfish. I thought I was better and selfless, but I guess I’m not because why would someone that’s selfless backstab their best friends.

 I also wanted to say that just because I had a boyfriend doesn’t mean I can cut you out of my life. To be honest I forgot about the friendship we had and how good it was because I could never just ignore you like that.


 When I was dating my boyfriend, it was like you didn’t exist and it hurt me to say but I’m trying to tell everything that was going on in my head and I want to be honest from now on. I know sometimes the truth hurts but not telling the truth hurts the person more cause you’re lying to them. So I'm going to tell you the truth because you deserve to know all.  One day I was trying to visit you, but my boyfriend said no. He also said no when I was trying to visit my family.


At first I didn’t get why he would say no and why he cared so much about me visiting you and my family, but now I get it, he thought I was leaving him and he didn’t want me to leave him so he made me not see anyone that I was close to. I think the reason why he made me stay at home was, he probably knew that my family didn’t like him, and they didn’t accept him, and I should’ve listened to my family because he was a bad influence. So, I broke up with him because he was not worth my time. You are Elena and I was a whole mess when I was dating him.


 I missed how much fun we used to have and all the places we used to go. I also miss that place we had that we would go to when we had an argument and when we had all those talks and just talked about life, and how it was going. I really want us to be like that again and have all that fun again. I know its not going to be that easy to build that relationship up again, I know its going to take time and I’m going to be patient. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to be best friends again. I really hope we can be friends. From now on I am going to change the way I do things because it affects you and anyone that I’m close to.


 Next time if I date someone or someone else came in my life, I am going to make sure I will keep you close. In conclusion I just want you to know how sorry I am and I’m not just saying that with no emotion, I will also change my way of thinking and acting in the future.


-love always 

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