Letters and Faces | Teen Ink

Letters and Faces

May 2, 2012
By doun31 BRONZE, Lincoln, Massachusetts
doun31 BRONZE, Lincoln, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Which way should I go?" - Alice
"That depends a great deal on where you want to get to" -Cheshire Cat

Dear Amelia,

Don’t worry about me, I’m perfectly safe for now. We’re camped about twenty miles from where any of the real action is. I’m thinking of you and little Johnny constantly. You said in your last letter that he took his first steps. That’s amazing! I wish I could have been there to see it. The cooking here isn’t anything like yours, but let’s just say it’s a step up from your mother’s. I’ve heard around camp that new instructions are coming in from Washington so we might get re-located. But again, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I don’t have much time to write this as I’m needed back in the intelligence station. Write as soon and as frequently as possible.



Dear Henry,

I can’t believe you left without telling me! Just a single note? That’s all I get? But you’re right, I wouldn’t have let you go. It’s too dangerous, but now all I can do is pray to God to keep you safe. Know that despite what you did I am thinking of you and will love you forever. Write to me with news of when you know where you’re stationed and keep in touch and I’ll write to you when I know where you are.



Dear Jack,

I’m sorry for you to find out this way, but I can’t wait for you any longer. You never have time to write and you always seem busy with one dangerous mission or another. Good luck with the war, I hope you win.


Dear Daddy,

Pleze come home soon. I miss you. I think Momy does 2. She keeps looking at bockses with your pictures. I still have the teddy bare you gave me. I named him Luke after our old dog. I think Luke is watching over you. I meen the dog. I think Luke the bare is too. Momy says he is. He says he’ll keep you safe. She also says grandma is tacking care of you, but, Daddy, I think Luke is more help if you’re fiteing someone (no offense to Grandma). In this pakkage I gave you a stuffed dinosaur. I get scared at nite without my teddy and I didnt see you pak 1, so I got you a dinosor with my allowans becuz dinosors are big and strong and will make you feel safest.



Dear Son,

First, I want to let you know that your father and I love you more than anything. No matter what happens we will always be a family and you will always be our son. I hate to have to write to you with this news, but unfortunately, your father and I have grown too far apart to continue living together. We have separated and I’m afraid that we will have no other choice than to file for divorce. Let me repeat how sorry I am that we must send you this news at this particular time but there’s nothing we can do about it. Apart from that, you should know that your father’s address has changed, for now you can send letters to him to our P.O. Box and I would ask, if it’s not too much trouble, that you write us separately as we will not be reading our mail together. If this is too much to ask then you may send your letters to me and I will mail them to your father when I am done with them. Are they treating you well there? Do you have enough to eat?

Stay Safe,

Your loving mother

Dear Son,

I’m just writing to let you know that I’m so proud of you. I don’t think I’ve said that to you but it’s something you should know. You’re making your old man proud out there. I know I raised you to do the right thing, take care of your buddies and be the best man you can be, but I have something to tell you. To hell with all of that and come home safely for your old man, you hear? I’m already as proud of you as I can be so there ain’t no use showing off. One more thing, send your letters to me to the P.O. Box.

You do me proud,

Your father

Dear William,

I know you don’t know me very well. We only had one class together in high school. I heard that you have gone off to war and I don’t know if you have a girlfriend or anyone to write to, but I figured the more letters the better in this situation so I’m writing you this letter offering my comforts and best wishes. If you wish, you may respond but you don’t have to.

I thought I’d tell you that everyone and everything is doing fine in little Johnsonville. I’m sure you know that your mother misses you, I see her at the convenience store every friday night and I can tell that she does. I remember you were good friends with Ian Thompson so I thought I’d let you know that he got accepted on a football scholarship to Vanderbilt University. He still comes back and visits with your little brother some weekends though. He shows him how to throw the ball and takes him out for ice cream. Little Mike is doing fine, I know it’s hard for him with his father and big brother gone, but he’s doing a fine job being the man of the house.

Wishing you the very best,

Cindy Beauregard

Dear Lizzie,

Have I told you recently how proud I am of you? I know I didn’t approve at first of you going into the army, but you’re making your family proud. I smoke a cigar with your father every Sunday after church and today we discussed how you were doing. I couldn’t help imagining you out there on the field, dirty, cold, scared, but then I remembered your strong spirit and I knew you would be okay and you will come home soon. Still, I wish with all my heart that I could hold you right now. You know that I never had the right constitution for the army, but if I could be there with you I would. It’s too hard to imagine you there by yourself, but I suppose you’re not by yourself.

I hope you know that I think of you every second of every day. And if praying means anything in this world, God will bring you home safe. Then maybe we can start a family. I know our kids will be as strong as you and will benefit from such a good example. I only hope I can live up to your example, too.

Eagerly waiting for your return,


Dear family,

I hope you’re all doing well. Don’t worry about me, I’m not out there yet, though we’re flying from base tomorrow (on my birthday!). I promise I will write when I get out there at the front. Ma, Pa, I hope you know I love you. Ben, don’t forget to give them hell in my place. While I’m gone you’re just going to have to tipi twice as many houses this Halloween. Susie, I know I can’t read you your favorite bedtime stories while I’m gone but I was hoping you might take that time to write some stories for me. Could you do that for me? I’ll send you all more letters when I have the time.

I love you all,


Dear Jason,

Merry Christmas! Ma and Pa don’t know I’m writing this to you. They think I’m writing my letter to Santa. Honestly, I think I’m a little old for Santa now. I want you to know that even though I said I would, I’m not going to have your hot chocolate or your candy canes or take anything out of your stocking. I’m going to save it for when you get back. I’m even going to save you one of Santa’s cookies since we always steal one and it wouldn’t be the same without you. Grandma’s here now, so I’m on the couch. She’s in our room as always. I don’t mind, that room’s a little big for just me. But I wish you’d help me build a fort out of the living room pillows like we always do.

Speaking of forts, I’ve got something to tell you! I’ve decided that if the war isn’t over I’m going to come fight next to you when I’m old enough! Can’t let you have all the glory, can I? Besides, we always used to play soldier together and it can’t be the same when I don’t have your back. I know I sometimes annoyed you, but whether you say so or not I know you miss me (you do, right?). Please come home soon! And if you don’t then I’ll be out there ( in about 6 1/2 years?).

Your brother,

P.S. I didn’t know how to sign this letter, do I say love like Ma and Pa do? I thought that might be awkward because we’re brothers, ya know? But I also don’t want you to think that means I don’t love you. So I don’t know. I love you.

Dear Logan,

These last two months have been the hardest of my life. I can’t believe there are still so many to go. I’ve been thinking of you. I’m writing this letter on the porch swing, right where you gave me the ring. I’m sitting here fingering it and looking up at the stars and a thought occurred to me. You must be looking at the same stars. So I prayed they’d watch over you and I think they will. I know they will.

Nothing’s changed since you left. This tiny old shack feels a lot bigger when I’m here alone. I’ve prettied it up so I hope you like it. I’ve also started a garden in front. I’ll send you some of the flowers when they’re full-grown. They’ll be roses since that’s what you gave me on our first date.

I know I should be offering you support right now and not the other way around, but promise me one thing. Promise me you’ll stay safe. Don’t try to be a hero, just stay alive for me. I love you so much and I don’t know what I’d do without you.



Dear _______,

The War Office regrets to inform you that your son/husband/brother was killed/reported missing in action during combat operations.

The author's comments:
A series of letters to and from soldiers and their families inspired by the song "Letters From Home" by John Michael Montgomery.


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