The Days of the Week from the Point of View of a High School Student | Teen Ink

The Days of the Week from the Point of View of a High School Student

April 23, 2013
By C.Louise BRONZE, Ridgefield, Washington
C.Louise BRONZE, Ridgefield, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it.”
― John Green

The Days of the Week from the Point of View of a High school Student

Monday is the teacher that no one wants to talk to, but you have to because she’s always there peering over your shoulder reminding you that she is. She’s the pedant who never stops talking, the woman who puts the headache in your skull and the scowl on your face.

Tuesday is the little sibling wanting to make your week better by reminding you that Monday’s passed for a while and you won’t be seeing her again so soon.

Wednesday is the belligerent bully. The one who sneaks up behind you and pushes you to the ground reminding you that you’ve still got two days to go.

Thursday is the doting mother who puts you back on your feet and whispers the wisdom of patience in your ear. She knows that you’ll survive one more day.

Friday is the edgy friend, daring you to go out and enjoy the sunshine instead of attending your classes; to breathe fresh air instead of the stifling bodily stenches of the others in the room.

Saturday is a long lost friend too far in coming and too quick in going. You love to see her but by the time you’ve met in a welcoming embrace she’s already gone.

Sunday is the lazy bum who hands you the half eaten bag of potato chips and remote control before putting your feet up for you and watching you wallow in the thought of what’s to come.

Then you look out the window and there’s Monday waiting for you by the car with a sour look on her face, beckoning for you to come

The author's comments:
What inspired this piece? My hatred for Monday of course!

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