Gone. | Teen Ink


April 26, 2013
By CKB27 BRONZE, Round Rock, Texas
CKB27 BRONZE, Round Rock, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I’m sorry.” She hears the words, but doesn’t listen. She stares past him, not seeing what lies in front of her, unable to determine the truth from the lies. Outside, the cries of the crowds are muffled and the sunlight streams steadily through the windows. But here, trapped within the four enclosed walls, there is no escape. She can only turn her back and try to conceal the tears and grief that threatens to consume her.
A hand tentatively touches her shoulder, turning her around as a frail voice says, "Please. Believe me." Her eyes cut to the ground, avoiding his pained gaze. "Callan." The given name strikes home, and she cautiously looks up through her lashes at the boy she has known her entire life. At the boy she thought she knew.
"You didn't tell me,” She says, her voice thick with emotion. “Everything is gone now. Do you not understand that? He is my father, and you didn’t tell me!” The tears that glistened in her eyes now spill over, running down her cheeks.
“I didn’t want to hurt you. I never wanted that.” He says vehemently, then in a broken voice whispers, “Please believe me.” Seph’s broad shoulders shake with suppressed anguish, despite the celebrations occurring not fifteen feet outside the door. His lips turn down in what seems a permanent frown, although Callan knows his raucous laughter and easy smile as if it were the back of her hand. This is not the Seph she knows. This is not the Seph she grew up with.
The yells seeping into the building grow louder, and fear holds Callan captive as she listens to the words that cry out angrily. They fill the silent room and choke her with sobs. They catch her breath and tear at her chest. Seph gathers her in his arms, keeping her from hearing the cannon that sounds as the criminals are hanged in front of the entire city. From the cries of joy as her father is taken from her forever.
She doesn't move. She can't. She remains paralyzed, powerless against the torrential waves of reality that crash into the grief-stricken pair. She listens as humanity roars its ugly growl, her faith dying, her spark of hope extinguishing in the dim silence. She has lost her family. She has lost her home. She has lost everything she knows.

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This article has 1 comment.

laura0515 said...
on Apr. 30 2013 at 7:18 pm
This is powerful!!!  WOW!