I Was Going to Wait 'Till Valentine's Day | Teen Ink

I Was Going to Wait 'Till Valentine's Day

October 12, 2008
By ayaman PLATINUM, Tenafly, New Jersey
ayaman PLATINUM, Tenafly, New Jersey
37 articles 12 photos 4 comments

“I was going to wait ‘till Valentine’s day…”
“That’s tomorrow…”
“Well…Yeah, but I couldn’t wait.”
“I told you, I couldn’t.”
“No, no. I mean: what were you going to wait ‘till Valentine’s day for?”
“Just say it!”
“Well, now that I think about it, Valentine’s day would have been corny.”
“You know, like those corny movies…”
“Whatever, just…tell me!”
“Ok, ok. Don’t rush me.”
“I thought you didn’t want to wait.”
“That’s not helping.”
“Ok, look. We’re, like, best friends, right?”
“Sure. I mean, as ‘best-friends’ as a guy and a girl can be.”
“Please. If we were the same gender, you can’t tell me that we’d be any different.”
“Fine, whatever, you’re right. Now tell me!”
“Ok, alright. We share everything with each other. So I wanted to tell you…”
“Ugh, this is so hard.”
“Well, then. Why don’t I make it easier?”
“How would you do that?”
“I’ll tell you something.”
“Is it on the same topic?”
“I’m fairly we’re talking about the same thing, yes.”
“Wait, how do you know?”
“You make it really obvious.”
“Aside from the constant itching, I don’t think so. I was just pretending it was a rash.”
“What itching? You aren’t itching…”
“No, I’m not. Why would I be?”
“Wait, what did I say?”
“No, no… I just assumed…”
“What?! You really think I would…?”
“I donno. I do.”
“Well, I mean, I did…”
“Remember that twitch I had?”
“You mean I missed my chance because it wasn’t the day before Valentine’s Day?”
“Wait, wait. That was a long time ago.”
“That long?”
“You did too.”
“Yeah but I didn’t know you did.”
“Oh. That’s a shame.”
“Yeah, I got that. You don’t, anymore, do you?”
“Well, I always kinda have, I just never really thought it would happen.”
“So, what now?”
“Well…I mean, do you want to?”
She took his hands and jumped. The cold water greeted them, and peace seeped through their bodies as they slowly drifted away…

The author's comments:
What happened in this story is up to you. What this story means is up to you. I do not choose what you get out of it, only what it means to me.


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