Skinny Love | Teen Ink

Skinny Love

October 3, 2014
By BrutalSapphire BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
BrutalSapphire BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
C'est La Belle Vie

"Tell my love to wreck it all, cut all of the ropes and let me fall"

Somebody needs to tell him I love him. I can't but somebody does. I can't leave this retched place knowing he would never know. The thing is, though, is that I know I don't have much time left. The dark places in my miind are growing and not matter how hard I try, they just keep getting bigger. I keep it hidden, but it won't be a secret for much longer. I'm falling and there's no parachute.

"In the morning I'll be with you, but it will be a different kind"

It's tonight. I've left a note, but that's all I can do. The dark took over my mind. I picked where it was going to be days ago. I go to the barn that my parents converted a few years ago. I look back and smile, I'll be with you in the morning my love.

"I told you to be patient and I told you to be fine, I told you to be balanced, I told you to be kind"

I tried to talk to her about it, but she never opened up. I wanted to show her the kind she deserved, now I'll never get the cance to. I loved you, dang it. I loved you more than you could've ever dreamed. Why did you have to do this to me?

"If all your love was wasted, then who the hell was I?"

We found your note today, I cried more than I have in years. You said you loved me, I never knew. You never gave me the chance to know. Something struck me as odd, though. You said your love was wasted; does that mean I'm wasted too? I don't understand and I won't try to.

"Pour a little salt we were never here... right at the moment this heart is torn"

Your funeral was today. It was a sad event. I hugged your mom and she told me how sorry she was. I told her she had nothing to be sorry about, it wasn't her fault. I cried a little more, but then I stopped. I decided I'm goingto remeber the good things about you, how much fun we always had. It's hard though, with the memory you left me with. I miss you.

The author's comments:

This story was inspired by the song "Skinny Love" by Birdy. It is one of the best I've written, and am quite proud of it.

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