Check Up: The Beginning | Teen Ink

Check Up: The Beginning

November 28, 2015
By king_e SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
king_e SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Greatness has no peak

Basketball is such a big sport! Everyone loves it, including Luke! Luke who is only 17 loves basketball and wants to go pro after leaving his high school. He wants to win state, which would be the first one ever for the school, get scholarships for college, and be the best player he can be! He wants this bad! He would making history! That's what he wants! Luke is willing to do anything for it, and he does!

Luke practices everyday, all day! On the court 24/7. He skips the movies and parties and puts all of focus on the game he loves so dearly! It just hasn't been working out for him these last 3 years. This is his senior year and he wants to win big! He has all of the awards and is a fantastic player but bottom line is that he wants to make history and be the best! He hears constantly if you u put the time and work in that you're gonna get what you want but now he's not believing that now. Doubt starts to kick in even though he still works hard! It's very confusing for him and he doesn't know what to do. That's when everything starts.

So school is over and now practice starts. Luke is having a good practice so far. He's hitting his shots, making the right plays, etc. Then he makes a move that he does all the time, his signature move. He goes for it and bam! He falls to the hardwood after hurting his right knee. He can't get up! He's thinking, “Damn not even the first game and I get hurt… I hope it's not a ACL…” The new trainer comes. He helps Luke up with the help of the other coaches and Luke is carried into the back room. The coaches leave and tell Luke that they hope he is better. Oh yeah, he's gonna get better alright.

So this trainer is one of the best. They say that he doesn't need x-rays to diagnose a injury. So the trainer starts to look at his knee and within minutes, he tells Luke that he tore his ACL. Luke knew it was tear. He had that feeling. Luke is devastated! He doesn't know what to do! The trainer tells Luke that he can make it better before the team's first game! Luke looks at him and without hesitation says, “Go ahead!” With just one hand on his knee and five seconds, the trainer heals his knee the wraps it up with a ace bandage. Luke, who laying down, gets up and can walk like nothing has happened! Seems like a miracle. He looks at the trainer and says, “Are you God!?”
“Something like that.” says the trainer.
Luke goes back out to the gym and finishes practice. The trainer cleans up the backroom and thinking this will be fun.

So after practice, Luke is shooting free throws in the gym by himself while he waits for his dad to pick him up. The trainer cones out, asks about the knee.
“It's fine” says Luke.
“If its really fine, then play me in a game.”
Luke thinks this is a easy win, so accepts the challenge.
“If I win, you owe me something of yours but if I lose, I'll give you whatever you want! Whatever your deepest desire is!”
“Game goes to 3” Luke says.
“Check up!”

Luke gets the ball and scores! He scores once again and again, winning the game!
The trainer barely played the defense, but that was the plan, his plan. You see, he knows how much Luke loves basketball, how much winning state and going to college means to him. He knows just about everybody's goals and dreams and desires.
So he asks Luke what do you want. Luke tells him about his goal and the trainer ask for his hand. Luke gives him his hand just like that, Luke just sold his soul his soul to the devil. Luke doesn't know though but he will soon enough. They shake hands has if they were done negotiating a business deal. The trainer gives him shoes that he says a great player once wore. He tells him that they'll help him. Luke takes them gladly and he's dad comes to pick him up. The trainer says tells him good game and I'll see you later
“What's your name by the way?”
“Lucky.” says the trainer.
“Well see ya Lucky! Thanks for everything.”
Lucky mumbles under his breath,
“No, thank you!”


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