Two Lonely stars | Teen Ink

Two Lonely stars

December 9, 2015
By 7barajas GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
7barajas GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who lighten my room. I am the only one who picks them out and sees their isolation. Two lonely stars with gleaming points and darkness surrounding them like me. Two that do not belong separated from the other stars but are. Two lingering creations made by the galaxy. From my room, I can see their weeping, but everyone else just sees gleaming stars.
Their sorrow is unknown. They send loud cries of light throughout the sky. They develop brighter and develop weary and grab the dark sky with their glowing fingers and reach for the others with desperate cries and never quit their deprivation. This is how they live.
Let one forget their reason for being, they both notice each other from a long, Both with they’re loud crying gleams connecting each other. Find, find, find they say one day when I stare.
They accomplish.
When I am too sad and too tired to keep finding, when I am a small glowing thing against so much darkness, then it is I look at stars. When there is nothing left to look at in the night time. Two who grow engulfing the pitch-black sky. Two who join and do not forget to join. Two whose only reason is to seek each other.

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