Gatsby | Teen Ink


November 30, 2018
By rafaelh BRONZE, San Jose, California
rafaelh BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I chased after Daisy I noticed all the people staring at me like if I was a mad man.

¨DAISY! DAISY! That wasn't me darling I just lost my cool.¨

As we go closer to my car she stopped and told me that she can't deal with all of this right now.

¨Jay I want to go home please, I just want to go home I've been up all day for this to happen is just crazy please just take me home!¨

¨Yes Daisy I'll take you home darling but please don't think of me differently okay?¨

¨I want to drive Jay.¨ said Daisy

´Are you sure that you can? You seem very nervous: I don't want you to drive with all these emotions coming out of you.¨

¨I'm not nervous, I'll drive to calm down after all of this Jay just trust me i'm not going to crash.¨ She said

So I decided to let Daisy drive and for her to calm down. All I see is her arms shaking while shes holding the steering wheel and it made me feel like she was going to crash.

As she drove through the streets she almost hit every car along the way and I had to help her steer the wheel and everytime she came close to hitting a car I would tell her that I could drive but she didn't let me.

Everytime I looked at her I would fall in love with her even more, Something about her would just make me feel happy. I don't know what it was but I was just attracted to her beautiful blonde hair and those eyes of hers.

¨Daisy watch out!, You almost hit another car: just let me drive Daisy.¨

¨Let me drive Daisy!¨ Yells at her

¨No Jay I got this, just trust me. I'm not even close to the other cats calm down Jay.

As we drove I looked at the sky and remembered what had have happened earlier ago.

I thought of how no one knew who I really was. Hiding the past and not telling anyone the truth about me. I was done hiding my past and wanted to tell Nick everything about me.

¨Daisy why don't you just tell Tom that you don't love him--¨

Don't talk about Tom. You don't know him like I do Jay it's complicated: I wish it could be that easy but its not--¨

¨But it can Daisy, just tell him that you don't love it's that simple and everything will be over between you and him.¨

¨Jay we will find something that will benefit us both: I know that there will be something for us in the future okay?¨

¨But Daisy why wait when we can just go away at anytime: Tom doesn't deserve to be with you and you know that.¨

¨Daisy! Tom will not be a problem.¨

¨Yes Jay I already told you that we will find something for both of us: we just need to wait and hope for the best.¨

I was wondering if Daisy thought of me differently while we were in the car. I looked up at the sky and thought of everything that I have: the money, fancy cars, and all I really want is to have Daisy to myself.¨

As we kept driving we were almost at the valley of the ashes. Where men were covered in ashes and everyone looked like they haven't slept in weeks.¨

¨Daisy do you know that Tom is having an affair?¨

¨No, i've never heard of this Jay, how could you talk about Tom like that: you know he's a respected man around New York: he doesn't even have time to be fooling around with another woman.¨

¨Daisy don't act dumb, Everyone knows that he's having an affair with another woman: every time we are having lunch or tea he always has to answer a phone call where no one can go with him to hear what he's saying.¨

¨You know what Jay i've had enough today, from you and Tom I just want to be alone right now.¨

¨That's fine but i'm just trying to show you the wrong that Tom is doing. It's not right that you have to go through something like this.¨

¨Daisy start slowing down, we shouldn't be going fast in the valley of the ashes there's people that cross on these roads you know that right?¨

¨Jay there's no one on the road calm down: i'll make sure to slow down once I see someone.¨

Daisy kept going fast and from what I remembered was this lady coming out and trying to tell us something. Like if she knew us but i've never seen this lady in my life.

And that's when it all happened. Daisy hit her and I warned her to slow down which she didn't.


All I remembered was trying to get hold of the steering wheel to avoid the lady but it all happened so fast.

She died from the impact, the car was going to fast for her to live. But I don't understand why she would run onto the road when there was another car coming from the other direction.

¨Jay i'm so sorry I should've just let you drive: im so sorry. I didn't mean to hit the poor lady: do you think that she died?¨

¨Daisy calm down okay, that lady came running into the street it's not your fault.¨

¨Okay Jay just get me home.¨ (Crying)

While I was driving I looked at Daisy and she was scared the whole way. I've never seen Daisy this way: she was frightened and was shaking so much.

¨Daisy were almost at your house darling.¨

¨Jay what will happen now?¨

¨I don't know Daisy but no one can know of this: don't tell anyone about what happened after we left the hotel.¨

As we were entering her driveway I told her that everything will be fine and that she shouldn't worry about it. We can run away together and forget this ever happened.

¨Daisy i'll take the blame for this alright. I don't want Tom to get mad at you for this.¨

¨Jay I don't want you to get into any trouble.´

¨No Daisy I'll be fine, just give me a call tomorrow: i'll be waiting until you call just take your time Daisy.¨

´Ok I will and where are you going now. Shouldn't you go home? It's late Jay I don't want anything to happen to you.¨

I'll be fine Daisy get your rest but I'm going to wait out here to make sure that Tom doesn't bother you.¨

¨Ok Jay i'll give you a tomorrow.¨

I waited there all night and nothing happened. All this for Daisy to be alright.

The author's comments:

I like to read books. 

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