May 12, 2021
By sijieyu BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
sijieyu BRONZE, Shanghai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Juliet didn’t really feel any pain after she stabbed herself. She just felt detached from her own body, and she felt like she was floating in the air.

She looked at the ground and surprisingly found her legs detached from the ground. As she looked up, she saw Romeo—alive and healthy.

He was also floating in the air, smiling at her as Juliet looked up.

“My dear Juliet, it’s thrilling to meet you again!”

“Where are we now?”

Just like that, Romeo slowly told her about their deaths and that they both had become ghosts. It felt so great for Juliet to see Romeo again, and Juliet was over the moon, even if they were both dead persons. As they were talking, Romeo slowly led her to a place that was surrounded by rivers and grass.

Seeing the graves, Juliet realized that it was actually their funeral. She felt really strange staring at her own funeral, and when she saw her parents and Romeo’s parents wiping their eyes, she almost began to scream so that they would hear her voice and stop crying. She knew this was of no use, though, since people couldn’t hear the voice of a ghost.

Then she heard the sound of chaos, and she saw her parents fighting with Romeo’s parents. She and Romeo went near them and tried to listen to their conversation.

“We were only trying to make peace with you. Listen, our son and your daughter died because of our rivalry. We think that we better just stop this stupid fight.” Romeo’s father, red-faced, said anxiously.

“Don’t you ever call this fight stupid! Your family was the one that betrayed us, and I can’t just forgive you like that. Also, our daughter died because of your stupid son! If that stupid Romeo didn’t come to our party, Juliet would have had a happy life! She would have married Paris and lived with him happily ever after. Your son, Romeo, ruined our daughter’s life!’

As Juliet watched her own mother saying these words, she thought about marrying Paris and living a life without Romeo. She couldn’t even imagine herself holding hands with Paris, and her tears streamed down her faces, despite the fact that a ghost couldn’t really cry. Romeo, feeling devastated as he heard those words, gently held Juliet’s hands and tried to comfort her.

Romeo’s mother looked at her in disbelief. “Look, our son just died, and I don’t want any more deaths. The only thing we want is to make peace with you.”

Juliet’s parents, however, were too furious to listen to Romeo’s mother’s words. “And that stupid Juliet! She was born well, and we gave her everything she wanted since the moment she was born! How could she do anything like that? How foolish was she? Why did she give up her life just for a stupid boy?”

Hearing this, Juliet slowly became exasperated. She turned her face to Romeo and said, “It’s so unfair. Why are your parents so reasonable and mine so horrible?”

Romeo touched Juliet’s hair and tried to comfort her.

“Why don’t we give them a little punishment, so that they can finally learn their lesson?” Juliet narrowed her eyes.

“What kind of punishment?” Romeo said bewilderedly.

“Well, what do you say if we go into my parents’ house and try to scare them? Remember, we are ghosts now and we can control people’s dreams. Tonight, my parents are going to dream about the breakdown of this family because of our deaths; they will be blamed by other people for their irrationality and they’re going to learn their lesson in their dreams after they fall asleep.”

“Well, if that makes you happy, then I’m willing to do it with you.”

After the funeral, Romeo and Juliet followed Juliet's parents all the way. Her mother kept complaining about Juliet even though Juliet was her own daughter. “We really have a ‘good daughter.” She rolled her eyes and said to her husband. Her husband said indignantly, “Yes, she didn't think about our family’s reputation at all. Look what she has done! How could she fall in love with a boy who was in that stupid Montague family? Bah, I really can't understand what she was thinking. The whole Montague family is so selfish, evil, and dumb.”

Romeo realized that Juliet was in a bad mood. He tried to comfort her, “Oh, Juliet, it’s all right. They were just too angry. You know they love you.”

“I’m all right, Romeo. They will be punished tonight!” Juliet stared at her parents fiercely.

Juliet's parents were soon ready to go to bed when they got home. Romeo and Juliet floated beside them, discussing what dreams they wanted for Juliet's parents. “I think a dream of a bad reputation is good. Since they care so much about fame, we have to make them feel that everyone is blaming them for our deaths.” Juliet’s mood became more and more excited. Romeo took her hand and said softly, “As you wish.”

Juliet's parents woke up with knocks and noises at the door. Her mother got up impatiently and opened the door. The moment she opened the door, the crowd outside awoke her completely. She knows them; they are all local journalists. “Ha, I knew that this event would be noticeable.” She thought, but just as she was smiling and trying to speak, she was stunned by a reporter’s question. “Are you really unwilling to reconcile with Romeo’s parents? As far as I know, they have an intention to reconcile with you.” When she heard Romeo’s name, she became disdainful: “Of course not. Who would become friends with that family?” A shrill voice rang: “You and your husband were heard complaining about your own daughter on the way last night, saying that your daughter has brought about a bad reputation to your family, but we all know that Juliet has done nothing wrong. What do you think of it? Is your reputation really more important than your own daughter?” Juliet’s mother was stunned. She didn’t expect the conversation last night to be heard. If she admitted it, their family would be completely destroyed. She had just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by more questions from journalists. Their questions were all about the conversation last night. She couldn’t answer these questions because she really thought fame was more important than anything, so she closed the door, refusing to answer those questions. But this was not over, it was getting worse and worse. Neither she nor her husband dared to walk down the street because they would be constantly scolded for being cold-blooded; some people even threw eggs at them. Their former partners stopped cooperating with them because of the pressure of public opinion. As the days went on, the family soon ran out of savings. The two of them sold their castle-like house for food and money. Their new home was dilapidated, and there were several big holes in the wall, so the wind blew in and they had no clothes to wear. Eventually, because of coldness and hunger, Juliet’s parents died.

Juliet's mother woke up in a fit of dizziness. She sat up, touching her aching head, trying to recall what she had dreamed, but she could not remember anything. When there was a knock outside, she got up and opened the door. Outside the door stood the reporter. “Are you really unwilling to reconcile with Romeo’s parents...”

Juliet’s parents had this nightmare over and over again. The dream finally led to their mental disorders. Eventually, they both died one night.

“Dear Juliet, do you feel a lot happier? Your parents have been punished.” Romeo laughed.

Juliet also laughed: “Yes! Romeo, it’s time to go where we should go. We can finally enjoy our time in heaven.”

Romeo held Juliet tightly, “You’re right.”

They then disappeared in the golden light.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 12 2021 at 2:08 pm
JustMe_Vaanya SILVER, Dehradun, Other
7 articles 9 photos 91 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Una Vida, I have come to accept that I cant experience everything in life. But what I will, I'll experience deeply..."
-Shivya Nath

It's quite an alternative, but I don't think either Romeo or Juliet would have done this....

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on May. 27 2021 at 7:04 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

Man those parents were nasty but they shouldn't have been kill-killed...