Secret File | Teen Ink

Secret File

January 11, 2016
By Anonymous

I slammed the door and began to run. Not looking back, I ran faster with every step. It was five past nine. I was late. I couldn’t miss the bus again. Especially not today. As I came closer and closer, I saw the kids at the bus stop climbing into the bus, one by one. I thought maybe I can make it? Would the bus wait for me? I sure hope so. Next thing I saw the doors slowly closing, I sprinted even harder than before. I felt like I was running in a cross-country race and seeing the finish line getting closer and closer. But the bus slowly was driving away. I started to yell and wave my hand for the bus to see me but nothing. But then, the bus was slowing down to a complete stop. The bus driver finally noticed me sprinting after the bus. I gradually pulled myself up each and every stair unto the bus. I had wasted so much of my energy by rushing. But the important thing is that I did not miss the bus at least not this time. It was now fifteen past nine.
Once I got to school I began to stroll through the hallway, hearing all of the chatter among the halls, the footsteps being strut, and all the teachers welcoming their students to class. As I was headed to the office where I am a teacher assistant, I was looking at all the trophies and medals in the trophy cases. All throughout the years, my school has won many, many awards. All covered in dust particles and looking very vintage. Than I noticed a photo from the year 1985, a couple who were crowned king and queen for homecoming court. They looked so happy and the look in their eyes showed that they were in love. I smiled, maybe one day I’ll be happy as they were in that photo. But for now, I am late. Again.
As I walked into the office, Mrs. Smith was already waiting for me. Mrs. Smith was one of the office ladies who was on the front desk, picking up calls that parents make to have their child excused, but yet not excusing them. She wasn’t cruel, she was just a bit bitter that’s all. Seeing her arms crossed and foot tapping, I knew she would hate me even more now.
“You’re late, again” she said.
“I know my apologizes, I had a rough morning.”
“Don’t matter if you had it rough or not, you choose this opportunity and you stick to the rules!
“Alright sorry, won’t happen again” I said.
As I slowly walked to my chair I saw all the files I had to put away in the file cabinets.
They were stacked and stacked. Like she purposely did this so I’d learn my lesson and never be late again.
As I was slowly putting the files away in the cabinets, alphabetical order of course, I noticed mine was a bit unusual. Like it was suppose to be hidden away that I wouldn’t find it ever. I slowly lifted my head. Looking behind my left shoulder and behind my right shoulder. Making sure no one was watching me, I gradually lifted my file and gently put it in my bag, while slowly still looking around so no one could see me. Continuing putting away the rest of the files like nothing ever happened. The bell rang and the sound surrounded the halls; the day was finally over and I finally could go home. As I slowly strolled to the buses I started to think about my file and how odd it was. My name being slowly faded and scratched like it was purposely ruined. I couldn’t wait to get home and see what was in my file.
Hours later I finally had a chance to see my file. Once my fingers touched the file, slowly opening the page, I felt like I’m about to see something beyond horrible. And I did. I couldn’t believe what I just saw. Staring at the page. My jaw dropped, eyes wide opened. How have I not seen my file before? Or even know about this? What else is my dad keeping from me? Or should I even call him my dad. I couldn’t believe this! This is the biggest secret I ever known. Who am I supposed to tell this too or should I even say anything at all. Than I heard footsteps getting louder and louder. My dad was home from the office. I quickly gather the file and crammed it into my bag and shoved it under my bed. I couldn't let him see it. Not now. I have so many questions. Slowly the door knob being turned that it started to creak.
“Pennie, you alright?” he asked.
I didn’t know what to say or if I even should say anything.
“Pennie?” he questioned with concern, “Is everything okay?”
I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore I handed him the file.
We did not speak for days. It felt like it was weeks. He was speechless and I’m pretty sure he was upset that I found out. On the fourth day at dinner I watched him, and it looked like he was gathering his thoughts and he did, he told me everything. He cleared his throat and looked up.
“Pennie, I’m sorry you found out this way and that I didn’t tell you,” he said. I didn’t respond at all or look at him. “The picture you found are your real birth parents. It was from the day you were born,” he says.
“How do I know you're telling me the truth?” I said with anger.
He replies, “Because they signed and dated the back of the picture. Look Pennie, please don’t be mad. I was telling the truth when I said your mom has passed away.”
I determinedly asked, “Okay, than tell me what happened.”
“Alright will do. In 1985, your parents met and fell in love. Your birth dad was my best pal and we did everything together. Anyways, they fell in love, got married and later they had you.  Your mom got really sick after having you and we knew she wouldn’t make it. Your birth father asked me to stick around and help him with you because he was devastated after knowing your mom would be passing away. He just left you after your mom died. So I raised you and here we are,” he explained.
I of course was full of emotions after hearing this. I couldn’t believe my father, well  real father just left me. So I asked “There could be a chance my birth dad is alive?”
He responds with a shrug, “Could be, who knows. I haven’t seen him in years!”
Now I was determined to go and find him and I was going to, soon.
I was searching for my birth father for weeks and weeks turned into months. My dad promised me if I do find him he’ll take me to see him without a doubt. It was at the turning point where I was about to give up on finding him but something made me keep going. The picture of the couple in the trophy case made me keep going. I thought maybe if I find my real dad than I can be as happy as that couple in the picture. Next thing I knew I found him, New York. That’s where my father and I were heading.
It took days till we actually could go to New York and hours till we landed. But we finally made it. I was nervous but excited. I finally can see my real father! Of course I’m grateful for John the dad who raised me. But this is seeing my birth father for the first time! My mind was spinning with questions like do I have his eyes? Or do I have his face shape? I’ll just have to wait and see. Next thing I knew my hand was knocking the door. Thump, thump! The door lock making a click sound and the door itself was slowly opening and a man stepping outside. This was it.
“May I help you?” he says. My nerves started to kick in, my heart beated out of my chest, and my palms got all sweaty. I was finally meeting him. I didn’t know what to do or what to ask. Than he see’s my dad and realizes who I am.

The author's comments:

A normal teenage girl who just finds out the biggest secret of her life.

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