Brooklyn | Teen Ink


December 14, 2017
By Anonymous

I was just a kid growing up in Brooklyn when one dreadful day that 5’6 man came right into the store that and shot up the place I have gone there everyday since I was 5 .I tried to stop him, this is how and why I died .That man all he ever did was try to make a living and the world just cramped all over everything he tried to do in fact, day he came his wife had just left him. And he had no money left no house all he had was that 9 mm pistol and shoot me and two other people. I always think what if she had not left him would he be different or would he do the same things he did. Let’s talk about why I was there now I went because my mom her legs are messed up and she need her meds. I went to the drug store and there he was robbing the store. I just could not leave so I bust in and he shot me three times and I went down and now that I think about it I should have just left and not done anything but I could not for some reason I felt so compelled to stop him and I didn’t help at all. All I did is get myself killed good job me. But I tried I tried so hard to stop him but my puny body was no match for that gun and I can’t do anything now but be dead .

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