The one of a kind turtle | Teen Ink

The one of a kind turtle

May 6, 2019
By Anonymous

The one of a kind turtle
Once upon a time there was this one turtle who was nine years old. This turtle wasn’t just any ordinary turtle
in the sea. He was known as “Mr.Turtle” because he was different compared to all other turtles in the sea. Mr.Turtle has such a great personality, but one thing about him was that he loved the trouble. Being nice but also being a troublemaker was more of his thing. He could not around other turtles when he got hungry due to him being so aggressive, he liked to swerve into the other turtles hitting them with the huge shell he had.
Therefore Mr.Turtle had to be put in an average sized tank. In the tank he got put in there were small dishes to keep him company, just so that he wasn’t alone. The only reason they let him be with fishes was so that didn’t end up going into a depression phase. After three years of Mr.Turtle being away from the sea and all other turtles they finally let him out again into where he belonged which was the sea. He didn’t get put back into the sea he was in before due to all the trouble he had caused. Instead they looked around for another small sea, they found the perfect one for Mr.Turtle. He didn’t quite change. Mr.Turtle continued messing with the other turtles he was with.
One day there was a turtle named “Sparkles”. Sparkles was playful and wanted to play with everyone. She then saw Mr.Turtle and started messing with him. Once again she loved to play with everyone, she didn’t know Mr.Turtle so she had no clue what was coming to her. When she tapped him he went straight to her face and bumped her with his shell, so before you knew it Sparkles started to sink down bleeding everywhere. She bled so much that the water started to turn red. Next thing you know she hit rock bottom.
Mr. Turtle was then put back into the tank he was in before. He seemed so calm and gentle with the small fishes who were in the tank with him. We ended up finding out he was eating the small fishes. That’s when we knew Mr.Turtle could not be in a tank with anyone because of how aggressive he would get. He was then locked in a tank bigger than the one he was in because that’s where he was going to be for the rest of his life. Going on seven years and he was still stuck in a tank, no with other turtles not with any fishes but all by himself.

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