A Letter From a Holocaust Survivor to Her Mother After the Liberation | Teen Ink

A Letter From a Holocaust Survivor to Her Mother After the Liberation

April 3, 2011
By InsomniaticWriter SILVER, Freehold, New Jersey
InsomniaticWriter SILVER, Freehold, New Jersey
9 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Dearest Mother,

How are you? It feels like forever since I have seen you. I hope to see you again, and so does Miriam. I know that it is wishful to think you are still alive, but I can still believe it.

As you can see, the Russians made it to Auschwitz. You should have seen the Nazis before they arrived; it was as if they were chickens without heads! They weren’t paying attention to us for the most part; it allowed me to escape for a few moments. I returned because I couldn’t leave Miriam alone, but what I saw outside shocked me. I went all the way to where there was a river, and on the other side there was a girl. I was so jealous of that girl, with her hair and her nice dresses. She was cleaner than I could remember being for years. She didn’t know how lucky she was.

Miriam and I were left behind from the march. It was good that we hid, because they were probably going to another camp; the officers saving themselves. I wonder if the Russians found them too.

When they came, we were all so excited. Miriam and I ran over to them, half in disbelief. They gave us food, chocolates even! When was the last time you can remember eating chocolate? It was like heaven.

The best part, though, was not when the Russians actually got to the camp, but it was when somebody came running in to our barrack, shouting that we were free. And now Mama, we are free. Your daughters are free.



The author's comments:
I wrote this for a History Assignment. The account of what happened and the events are true, although the letter is fictional.

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iliktrtlz said...
on Oct. 16 2017 at 7:38 pm
I am doing a NHD project and this is so perfect. If possible please send the name of a Holocaust survivor