Forever Freeze | Teen Ink

Forever Freeze

October 6, 2021
By evelyn10101 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
evelyn10101 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Global warming was a major  problem in 2025; new inventions were made to help this issue. A device that would get power from the sun and make the Earth cooler, though this gadget was effective it was still too sweltering. Every leader around the world gathers together to have a seven-hour-long meeting. There was tension in the air, finally they announced that they were going to build underground bunkers. A new living lifestyle, despite having a backup plan. 

 They built bunkers all around the world and were done by 2050. In spite of the fact that they were secure, the planet was too hot to be outside. Scientists and engineers came up with the “brilliant” idea to move the world. They moved the Earth away from the sun just enough for the atmosphere to be normal. Unexpectedly the earth started drifting away, so far away from the sun's gravitational pull.

It has been 20 years since it happened, I have never been outside, only underground. I was born below the surface like the rest of my peers, always hearing stories from the elders. Crazy old man Day called me over“Ray, where have you been, are you avoiding me”. I had been avoiding him; he would go on and on about his conspiracies. His Daughter Nova was the complete opposite; she was simple with a serious face. She had short black hair that was always put together, she was fair skin but didn’t look ill. She was quiet as a mouse and wore slim black clothes from head to toe. Everyone was assigned a color to wear, black for the guards and patch with an x on it, light pink for the workers and maroon for the people. Only one individual was different and that was Dr. Black who wore his wacky white lab coat everywhere. Dr. Black is an environmental scientist, he says that he eventually wants to go back to the surface. He always narrates how radiant was outside; breathing in the fresh air while the sun warms you up. I’ve never experienced this warm feeling inside; everything is cold, even the people. Especially Commander Show who is a tall man with a big scar on his face. He runs this place, he's very strict and cruel. He froze my mother outside for having me since people can only have one child. They do this, so the population is controlled, and we won't run out of supplies. My older sister Star was eight when our mother passed. She is the second in command under Shadow. I work closely with the Dr., but I mostly do this because the old man told me to keep an eye on the Dr. He said to keep an eye on him, something about one of his conspiracies. 

Old man Day says that there's cover up and we could actually go outside. But he's just insane and doesn't know what he's talking about. I have to listen to him since he raised me, with insanity, he's been out of it ever since I remember. Commander Shadow comes into the lab everyday to talk to Dr. Black in his office. It always ends up with them arguing and Shadow storming off. Commander Shadow wants everything to be perfect with him on top. Nobody had seen the president for a while but Shadow stated that everything was alright and he'll be taking over. 

One day the old man snatched me as I was walking to work, he took me into his home. Standing inside was my sister and his daughter. They also have been keeping an eye out on the commander and the Dr. Since my sister was second in command, she had snooped around in Shadows stuff. While doing so she found out that there's people outside. She's been communicating with them and also brought Nova into what she found out. The outsiders say that they have been trying to get us out for 5 years. Their top scientists found a new solar system with a sun that was similar to our. The same way they moved the earth before, they also moved the earth into the solar system.  The plan was to release us considering it was safe outside. They were just waiting for the president's signal but he never contacted them back. Except for a man with a scar on his face he said “the president is dead and I'm in control now” and ended the call. “We need to do something, the people need to know” cried Nora.  “We need a plan,” said the old man. We came up with a scheme to expose them. My sister hacked into his computer and broadcasted the video everywhere. Once the video was finished we walked out and everyone was confused and dumbfounded. “ See I told you I was right, but everyone called me crazy”. Abruptly The commander walked in and started screaming “WHO DID IT”. The old man came up to the commander and said “I did it”. Then there was a loud bang, Nora screamed ”AHHH”.  Everyone started screaming, “we want to go outside”. The guards started fighting the people, soon they would surrender since there were too many people. “Where's the doctor?” Nora said, “Leave him, I want to be free” I said.   My sister opened the big grey bulking doors that kept us “safe”. 

We eluded, there was light, we looked up, and it was the sun. The sun touched my skin, and I've never felt so warm in my life. Everyone was running out to be free, The outsiders were looking at us confused, staring at us. That's when we saw the frozen nuke with an x on it, the Dr. pushed the button to set it off. There was a flash and everything was cold, the forever freeze.

The author's comments:

This piece is about global warming and people making stupid desicons. The 100 inspired this story becuase the show is very detailed. 

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