Goodbye | Teen Ink


February 1, 2022
By Anonymous

Sophie was the best dog ever.  She was a chill dog but always loved to play.  She loved the small couch and  most days you could find her curled up in a small ball asleep.  Her favorite thing was to chase the tennis ball in the front yard. As part whipping she was a racing dog so she would catch the ball faster than you can blink.

 It was a Tuesday morning  my mom walks in the room. I can tell her mood is off. She got a call from the vet and when I heard what the vet said my heart dropped to my toes. It felt that I was 500 pounds. My lungs and chest felt heavy. As tears fall down my face and makes a little puddle on the ground. 

I felt like I got shot in the chest and someone tripped me. I fall on the ground in shock. I didn't know what to other then to ask why. It felt as someone was Stapled my mouth up so I couldn’t talk. All I could think of was to go lay down with her. I had flash backs of all the good moments that I had with her over the years I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know if I should try and spend the last days with her the best i can Or what. As I walked to my room it felt as every time I take a step another Needles into my foot. I couldn’t sleep my mind was racing like a car on a race track.  It was the day that we had to put her down. It was a sunny bright morning but it felt as it was gloomy and rainy. The morning felt awkward I stepped into the car and we got Sophie in as i sat in the car it felt as i was being chained onto the chair. We started to drive it started to hit me this was my last day with Sophie. I felt as that was the longest car ride of my life. The car was dead silent the only noise was the car after we went over a bump. We got to the vets office they started to explain but I couldn’t hear my ears were ringing and the next thing i hear was “ are you guys ready.” Aa the words sink in i say “ I’m ready” the doctor walks into the back room. I am holding her tight making sure she wont go anywhere and then i hear the words “she’s gone.” The words hit ne as hard as a truck going 100 mph the first night felt lonely it felt as the house was dead silent. It’s always a rough day The mood felt off. As I lay in the darkness in my bed I couldn’t take my mind off of it. Always think about was Sophie Sophie Sophie. I am pretty sure I had no sleep at night.  My brain was running all night like someone was trying to run from a dog that was chasing them. I thought that it couldn’t get worse but day by day the fact would hit me harder. It was hard to get up in the morning. No motivation in my body it felt as every second my body was getting drained. I tried new things to stay positive but it was hard to keep my mind off of it.  The bad  days went by very slowly and the good days went by very fast.  My mom told me to just stay positive. It felt as a small rainy cloud was over my head at all times. Schools was the hardest it was hard to stay focused and not have Sophie on my mind. The grades started to slip and I couldn’t stay focused and no resources to do my homework. As i learned to find new things to keep my mind off of it and not let one thing take all of my happiest away. I learn to push through and find new things  The end. 

The author's comments:

About my dog that passed away last year. 

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