middle school | Teen Ink

middle school

May 19, 2022
By TheFamousFamous BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
TheFamousFamous BRONZE, Santa Ana, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                         Chapter 1


Dear future self.

Today is Wednesday, February 4th, My name is Savana and I am 14 years old. I go to Melwood middle school in California in the city of Irvine. Every day coming home from school at night when we go to bed me and my older sister Clarisa who is 15 always tells me to turn off the night light but I always tell her to turn around the other way if it bothers her. She always ends up turning off the light after I tell her not to and turns around the other way. That gets me annoyed because I tell her not to turn off the light so I throw my bear to her head and scream really loud saying “STOP TURN IT ON!!!”

She is always just trying to annoy me but ends up turning off the light. Every night she goes to bed with her hair braided so she can go to school with her hair all curly. When we wake up in the morning her blankets are all messed up as if a tornado came through her bed. I’ve been telling her my problems that I like a boy in school and he’s in my chemistry class but when I try to talk to him I just get nervous. She responds, “yes, that’s my problem too!!”

I tell her that I want to talk to him but there’s never a good chance to talk because he’s always with his friends. I also move ahead and tell her that I talk to him in class and he seems like a cool and nice kid. I go on and tell her that I would like to be friends with him. I describe to her how he looks. I tell her that he's tall, around my height, and he has nice hair with brown eyes and a nice smile and always dresses the same. I’ve been telling her my problems that I like a boy in school and he’s in my chemistry class and even that I try to talk to him but I always get too nervous to talk to him. 

“Yes!! That’s my problem too!” Clarisa says as she throws her arms up in agreement.

We continue chatting about our crushes. I want to talk to him but there’s never a good chance because he’s always with his friends. I also move ahead and tell her that I talk to him in class and he seems like a cool, funny, and nice kid. I explained to her that I would like to be friends with him. 



Chapter 2 

After I had finished talking to her about the boy I like she tells me about the boy she likes. She describes to me how he looks. 

In an excited voice, she says, “He is tall as well and plays basketball and always has white shoes on.”

I laugh at her and say “Awww, you have a little crush.”

“Shut up!!” Clarisa says with a smirk on her face.

Once we were done talking to each other we say good night and go to sleep. The next morning as I’m walking up to the third floor I see him walking upstairs too. 

“Oh my gosh, he’s right there!” I say to my friend. 

I get nervous and turn my back toward him. When I turn around he sees me, he looks at me and I see him. He quickly looked away. As I looked back up at him, he continued talking to his friends. 

Once my friend and I got up to the third floor, we walked to our science class and he was walking behind us. Once we walked to where the door was, he was not too far behind us. He walked up to us and opened the door for us.

I told him  “Thank you.” He didn’t say anything he just smiled at me. When we entered the class the teacher was talking to the other students that were already there that we were going to have a Chemistry test coming up next week.As I was walking to my seat located at the back of the class My other friend Dianara was there doing her vocabulary words that our teacher Mrs. robins has us do on Thursdays. When I start my work my friend asks me to help her with her math homework because that was her next class and didn’t do it for homework as she had to. 



After she asks me to help her I tell her to try it on her own first then if she still needs help to let me know. Later when we finished our classwork our teacher allows us to have free time. When we have free time she allows us to play games or allows us to be on our phones. I was on my phone during my free time and saw the boy I like looking at me as if he wanted to come and talk to me so I called him over and offered him some candy. He looked at the candy and looked back up at me and said 

 are you sure?   

I told him it was fine and once he got it he walked back to his table. As he was walking away I told my friend he probably thinks I’m weird now. 

no, I don’t think so because that was something nice you did. 

The teacher called out the period is going to send soon so start finishing up the stuff you have to do. Ten minutes later the bell rings and everyone starts to get their stuff and walks out of the class. It’s nutrition time after that class so we go down to the lunch tables and I go down with one of my friends. About three minutes later her other friend comes and just go walk around in the meantime it ends. About thirteen minutes later the bell rings to go to our next class we walk up together since our class is on the same floor once we get up there we part ways and go to our classes she goes to math and I go to my ELA class. As I’m walking into my ELA class our teacher Mr. Stevenson is standing at the door with his big round-shaped glasses and his white buttoned-down shirt with his khaki pants. I walk to my seat and I see that the teacher has on the bored directions to right an essay everyone in the class lets out a big aww man an essay!.  As the teacher walks in he pushes up his big round glasses up his nose and says yes we are righting essays today. He tells us were going to have a writing test something up and need to know who to write essays.  


                                          Chapter 4  

The teacher Mr. Stevenson explains what we have to do but as he explains the lesson some kids were not paying attention. The two boys Isic and cole had their heads on the tables and other kids picking their noses. It’s always the same kids! Jeremy with his feet on the desk and Jared with his head on the table.

Mr. Steveson sees them and says “Please pay attention!” he raises his voice and continues to say, “If you don’t want to be in my class, go to the principal!” The group of boys continues not to pay attention. so Mr.Steveson  gets mad at them and starts screaming and yelling, “I’m so tired of the same kids not paying attention!” He points his finger at the boys and says, “

so he tells them he’s going to send them down to the principal office.  By the time that he’s done trying to explain to us the lesson the bell rings. He apologies for not being able to explain to them more so he says he will explain it tomorrow better for us. I walk out of the classroom and walk downstairs to meet up with my friend halfway to the lunch tables so we can walk to lunch together. As we were walking to lunch I saw him 



going to his other class with his friends. While we were at lunch I was eating my PB and J sandwich with jam on the sides. As I was taking a bite the jam dripped on my new pair of khaki pants.

I said “Oh man!!” as I stood up to grab a napkin, But the boy that I like friends saw what happened and quickly walked over to me and said do you want me to get you a napkin. I looked up and smiled at him. 

I said yes can you please get me a napkin?

I came back and sat down to finish eating my lunch. When the bell rang, I quickly finished my sandwich and started walking to my next period with my friend Isabella. At the end of the school day, I meet my friend outside her classroom. We walked down the stairs with her and like always the boy I like was always there with his friends. I walked with my friend to the gates to exit the school and we each went our own way after saying by you tomorrow. Then next day I come back to school telling myself im going to try and talk to him during chemistry class. I got to chemistry class and saw that he was there so I called him over and I said to him how’s your day going. 

He said It was going well. 

We talked a little while the class started and I asked him if we could be friends. 

He said yes that it was cool. 

So from that time on we started talking more and I invited him to come to hang out with my friends for the eighth-grade dance he agreed to go. I was too happy that day it didn’t feel real that I actually talked to him and became friends with him.  Later I told my friend but she didn’t believe me till I explained to her what happened and she told me 

It was about time. 

I just laughed at what she said. 

                                            Chapter 5 

When the time came around to go to the dance I told him to wait for me while I got there he agreed to wait while I got there. Once I got there we went inside and asked him if he was hungry and wanted to get food. 

 He responded yes. 

I told him ok let’s go get some food. As we were walking to the line to get some food there were some girls that were there talking about shoes and where they got them. They were wearing dresses that were all sparkly and glittery with their makeup all done and hair all curled. We were next in line I ordered some tacos de chorizo and he got tacos de Carne Asada. When we were done ordering our food we got some chairs to sit down on the side of the grass to eat and enjoy our food. Later when we were done eating our tacos we sat there and just talked about the classes we have and what teachers we have for our classes. By that time the sun was slowly starting to go down and my friend Diannara was me and walked over to where I was sitting down. She was wearing some jeans and a blue shirt with her high-top converse. She pulled up a chair to sit next to me I asked her what she’s been doing she told me that she was dancing with her other friend that was there. I told her cool, have you already eaten some tocos there pretty good. 

 yes, I did and they are good, especially the carne asada ones. 

I responded ya those are good too but I got tacos de chorizo. 

 yes those are always good too. 

As we were there talking and just hanging out she asked me and him what high school we were going too 

I responded I’m going to Segerstrom then he responded I’m going to Santana. 

My friend Disnnara said she was going to Godinez. 

I scream out nooo!! We’re not going to the same school and im not going to see you anymore. 

 it’s ok remember I gave you my phone number. 

I responded oh right I do have your number  

 I’ll come to visit you once in a while. 

I said ok maybe during summer or when the school year ends ill invite you to my house to have a movie night, 

Okay sounds like a good plan!!.  

Then it was time to go to math class I walked up the stairs with my friend Arline she had ELA Class while I had math class we said bye see you later and we walked our own ways. When I got to my class the teacher Mr. Ginzales was collecting homework. He screams down the hallway saying” 


I heard him screaming through the hallway so I ran to the class and quickly got out what he was asking for. Once class started we sat down and started working on how to solve for y. Class ended and it was time to go home I quickly walked out of class and met my friend. We walked down to where the red gates were. We looked at each other and said” bye see you tomorrow. I walked down the stairs and went to my mom, Then we walked to our red shiny car to go pick up my sister clarisa . We drove to her school and got there in 15 minutes. As we were waiting fo her to get out of class my mom told me where we wanted to go eat and I responded to her I want to go to flam boiler. She got out of school so we went to go get the food we drove home and i quickly took off my shows and pants from school. I ran to get my food because I was really hungry. Once I was finished eating my food I quickly started my math homework. By the time I had finished, it was 7:30 p.m. I finished the things I had to do and started getting ready to go to bed. I brushed my teeth and put on my pjs. After i was done getting ready for bed I checked my stuff for the next day at school. I made sure I had everything and I did so I went to bed. By that time it was 9:00 oclock. I walked into my room and charged my phone then I went to sleep, it took me a while to go to sleep because I was still thinking about some things but then I slowly became tired and wet to sleep. It was about 6:15 in the morning my Almar rang to get up but I didn’t get out of bed till 6:40 . I got up ate some breakfast and got ready for the day. By the time I was done getting ready for school it was 7:45 and school starts at 8:00 my dad was telling me “It’s time to get out of the house”. 

I said in a loud voice so he can hear me saying “OKAY!!” 

I quickly rushed out of the house and got into the truck. My sister carrying all her stuff for school. Once I was at school I went to my second period which is chemistry. I saw Anthony walking up the stairs but I don’t think he was me so I kept on walking till I found my friend Arline we walked together to class. we entered chemistry class there were still not many people there so I sat at her table for a while till class started. The bell rang and all the kids rushed through the door so they won’t be late.  Class started And I saw Anthony walk in I saw him walk to his seat he looked at me and smiled. I turned around to my other friend that I sit with and started talking to her. We worked on finishing up things and then it ended. The day went on and it was a good day.  I got home and just dropped my backpack on the floor and sat down because it was a long day and was tired. 




The author's comments:

My name is Victoria Guillen I am 14 years old

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