life of ashton hawk | Teen Ink

life of ashton hawk

September 23, 2022
By Anonymous

Life of Ashton hawk

       His name is Ashton hawk, and he goes to Thompson intermediate school, and it was his first

time ever going into a public school. Since Ashton looked different from other kids his parents

didn’t want him to be enrolled into a public school, so they homeschooled him until his first year

of intermediate.

      Ashton hawk is different from the rest of the kids he used to go to a private school because of the way he looks. His dad decided it was best to move him schools, but his dad figure they could take him around the school a bit to show him the lay of the land, so to speak but that didn’t happen because no one wanted to be friends with him because of the way he look. Ashton was scared that he won’t fit in and won’t make any new friends. ,So Ashton went to Thompson public intermediate school for his first day of school Ashton walks into school, and he said it smell like a hospital, but he starts to make a friend, but some people struggle that he looks different, so they don’t try to be friends with him. Ashton makes a new friends named jack his smile kind of hugged me he was very sweet and outgoing he didn’t care how you look or discriminate you. Julian starts a war nearly all the seventh-grade boy against jack for being friends with Ashton feel the butterflies in his stomach were more like pigeons flying around me inside Ashton was scared because he never been in a fight before he always been nice and kind to his classmate that he wouldn’t do that. Jack says no Julian to stop what he is doing because he is being mean, and a bully whisper screamed, and jack stick up for his friend if he in trouble, so jack told them to back off. Julian doesn’t like that jack sticking up for Ashton, but Julian still wants to bully him because he not like them and that he considered him different ugly, and he feel disgusted by him. So, after the fight words got around the whole school about if they heard about the fight and all the kids said no and all the kids ask him what happened, and he spread a rumor around the whole school that Ashton tried to fight him and that he was going crazy like an animal, and everyone was shocked about the false news Julian was spreading around and then Julian sat there laughing with no consent.

          Julian is still picking on Ashton again but Infront of the kids so they can see that he is going crazy, but Ashton keeps his cool and doesn’t bother to give him the satisfaction and let him do what he wants to do. But Ashton remains the nice person he always was, and it doesn’t bother him. Ashton never understood why no one like him and then one day he realized that he was not normal, and he was different then all the kids, but he realized it okay to be different in your own way and doesn’t have to be like everyone else. But Julian doesn’t care about no one himself and he think he was going to get his way. but then he picks on him outside and Ashton stick up for himself and pushes him and Julian was surprised that he thought he would do nothing, so everybody started laughing at Julian, so he started to cry and everybody realized that Ashton wasn’t the problem it was Julian but then realized that it not cute or funny being like that, so he leaves Ashton alone in the sun and moon and dark. the universe was not kind to Ashton hawk he is a human like the rest of them and doesn’t deserve the awful treatment he got the whole first day of school.

           So, with bullying is not something to joke about. It is a serious problem mostly cause by eighth graders they are known to say harsh thing about each other, and some go very far to the point where the kid feel like he alone and different and not the same as the other kids most of the time you don’t know what there going through and you push them more and more to doing stuff that is not okay and the only reason why it happened is to make them feel good about themselves. However, if the kid is being bullied because of something he did it doesn’t matter let it go and move on they shouldn’t have to be bullied unless they bullied you first you should tell someone instead.

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