Hurricane at the Lazy River | Teen Ink

Hurricane at the Lazy River

February 1, 2023
By 3hopwood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3hopwood BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt, as the thunderstorm crashed and banged.

I woke up in a panic when I heard people screaming and crying out for help.

I was in the middle of the rainforest in Belize, in Central America.

I couldn't see people but I could hear them. I didn't know what was going on but I knew it wasn't good.

I heard people screaming, “watch out for that hole!!” and I wasn't sure what they were talking about. 

I quickly grabbed my Nike dunks and ran out the door.

I was in Belize for a reason and that was because I was there on an away vet call.

They called me there to help them out with the larger animals in the rainforest because it seemed like there was some sort of virus spreading from species to species.

I didn't know much of the language they spoke and it was all very confusing.

I ran around in a frantic state asking people what happened but they couldn’t understand me and I couldn't understand them.

I went back over to the treehouse I was staying in and I poured myself a drink that always helps me to calm down when I am in a frantic state, Orange juice mixed with mango juice.

This drink always seems to help me calm down when I am frantic.

I stayed in my little tree house the rest of the night hoping that everything would be better in the morning. 

When I woke up the next morning I grabbed some scrambled eggs and sat down at the table to eat.

When I was done eating my scrambled eggs I scampered outside to see what the day was like and see if there was any damage outside my tree house.

When I walked outside it looked like the lock ness monster stormed through the little town I was staying in.

The trees were down and some of the buildings lost their roofs, there was a hole in the ground.

When I asked my American friend what happened she said, “there was a hurricane”.

My first response was to go online and see where this hurricane came from.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the weather. The hurricane came all the way from the gulf of Mexico.

The statue of liberty got sunk to the bottom of the ocean and tom holland was killed trying to drive home in such horrible weather.

I walked down to the water's edge to see what I could find. To my sadness, there was a little seahorse that was not in the water and lay motionless on the river bank.

This seahorse was very pretty and had all different types of colors, blue, orange, and magenta.

I'm not sure how this storm could have come here and destroyed this much land.

I went on a walk down the street to see if I could buy myself flowers, they always seem to make me happy when situations get this bad. 

I also picked up the book “to kill a mockingbird” By Harper Lee, so that I can read it before bed.

So many people were hurt and their homes were ruined in this absurd hurricane that no one saw coming.

I suddenly feel a weird and unusual feeling coming from my body, it's like I'm here but not really all at the same time.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes… poof… There I was, laying in my bed at my grandma's house fast asleep the whole time. 

My grandma walked into my room because she heard me screaming and said, take those jeans off so that I can sew them back up, I know you didn't get those for 50% off.

I was dreaming but it felt so real, and it felt so scary like I wasn't going to be able to get back.

But now I'm home and I'm safe, so I will drift back off into sleep, to see where my next expedition leads. 

The author's comments:

this piece is a fiction piece that I came up with while thinking about going back to Belize an how they had some bad weather recently. 

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