The Immortal Janette Rylocke | Teen Ink

The Immortal Janette Rylocke

October 15, 2023
By apreston SILVER, San Pedro, California
apreston SILVER, San Pedro, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Janette Rylocke.

A young woman, many would say, with excellent acting skills. To small children, she is the brave and intelligent Commander Helen Warza from the 1989 Invasion of Planet S: Part Two. To love-sick teens, she is the beautiful and sassy Kelly Garnes from the 1992 Swimming in the Pink Sea. And to adults, she is the cunning and charismatic Madame Pier from the 1994 Golden Case.

But to everyone, Janette Rylocke is immortal.

Her youth will forever remain in the many films she starred in. Captured for eternity until the end of mankind. Janette Rylocke will never be forgotten. When she dies, she will live until the world dies too. Until there is nobody capable of remembering her.

Janette Rylocke shall live on in the memories of the people for centuries upon centuries. Her spirit resides in each film, show, and photograph containing her magnificence. For as long as those exist, so shall Janette.

She never wore wigs in any of her works. Nothing that would greatly alter her appearance. “I want them all to see my true glory. My honest and superb self. Let them see who Janette Rylocke can be,” she would say. For all must recognize Janette Rylocke whenever she would appear on the large, silver screen. She made sure of that.

“Ms. Rylocke, what makes you so passionate about your acting career?”

“Ugh. You know how most of those folks say ‘You don’t live forever! Death will come by knocking one day!’ Yeah? Well, they’re some big-nosed liars, let me tell you. They only think about themselves, their own lives. Life’s not all about that. Just because you ain’t breathing anymore doesn’t mean you’re dead yet. They don’t think about their families, their friends, and everyone else who remembers them. When you still talk about someone, remember them, they’re still living through you. And now look at me, everybody knows my name. People know who Janette Rylocke is, and they won’t forget anytime soon. Death’s not coming for me, mister. I’m going to live forever.”

And when the newspapers were tossed around on October 5, 2000, announcing the tragic death of Janette Rylocke, almost nobody shed a tear. Because they knew, for as long as they remembered her, she would live too.

The author's comments:

I've never read the book of Evelyn Hugo, but I also wanted to try the fictional-movie star genre. It seemed interesting, so here's my take on a Hollywood star that never existed.

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