Cherry Bomb | Teen Ink

Cherry Bomb

November 9, 2010
By HoneyMomo GOLD, Oakdale, California
HoneyMomo GOLD, Oakdale, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Memory is the single way the experience can be captured and taken."

Tired of being the straight A student and always being responsible Jackie thought,all looking the same,blending in and not enjoying life the way she wanted.her perfect un dyed,long caramel hair,the caramel waves always in a tight ponytail,clothes that don't show skin,everything matching.

This Saturday night as Jackie sat on her bed she thought,not again,she's not going to study her last year of high school on a Saturday night.This time things are going to be different.Jackie marched down the fire escape stairs outside her window,down to the nearest salon and requested " Cut my hair shoulder length,dye it the most vibrant red you have and perm it."

After that she sought out a thrift store and bought punk skirts,punk boots and accessories along with a corset to mix it all together.She changed into the white corset with black lace frills and a torn black miniskirt that had a skull on the backside,5 inch black boot heels,and put her earlier clothes in her bag,went up to pay and left.

She used her foundation powder mirror and applied some bright red lipstick.Once finished Jackie held her head high and said " Welcome to the Fantastic Plastic world,Jackie".Then walked down the sidewalk street to find herself a party somewhere in this cold endless night.

The author's comments:
From a band's image from the 1990s who have disbanded.

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