Olivia Chapter 1-Kid Days | Teen Ink

Olivia Chapter 1-Kid Days

November 9, 2010
By HoneyMomo GOLD, Oakdale, California
HoneyMomo GOLD, Oakdale, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Memory is the single way the experience can be captured and taken."

Olivia worked hard her entire life to appear as she does now.Since her elementary days she became fascinated with the cruel beauty.From that small television screen flashing those orange skinned,big breasted,fake beauties,Olivia determined to make herself like that but opposite,the way she saw beauty.

Instead Olivia would become fair skinned and fairer skinned to a sheaming white that looked like porcelain.She would wear heels everyday to where her feet went numb,she would pamper her hair to make it soft and lengthy dark waves.And she would no longer feed her body so when she wore gripping clothes to her skin,no tubs of fat would spill out or peek.

Letting her hair be natural not killing or bleaching or chemical sprays to give poof like the other girls.Olivia wanted her pitch black hair to be healthy and limp from being thin.She would save her money for high heels and shampoo and dare not to spend on toys or fashion bags.Olivia would teach herself to steal those expensive clothes and use the rest of her money of growing her nails long and healthy instead of those freakishly fake ones from Salons.

First it was hard for Olivia to achieve this goal when doing this in elementary,dressing like that got teachers to give down a stern stare or a concerned face.So she worked on not eating and staying in the shade of the school.Bringing an umbrella for just in case,is he had to go into the sun.

The author's comments:
I just liked this name olivia or heard it so many times in songs and stuff and i though of a twisted beauty,or the way some girls view how their beauty is or should be.

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