Black Hole Syndrome | Teen Ink

Black Hole Syndrome

April 12, 2012
By Dylan.Burkhart SILVER, Evansville, Indiana
Dylan.Burkhart SILVER, Evansville, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That, my friends, is a very interesting theory. I just wonder who ever it is that wrote this, were you truly that emotionally strong, so apathetic you couldn't bare it, or to daft to even comprehend the power of what people say to you? Did you never love? Did you have no one who had an opinion to you that mattered? No, I think that you just needed to reassure yourself of something so untrue, by just pounding the thought that it was became just enough to help you get by. What did you do with this, you spread to all. You will here kids saying this phrase all the time so unaware of how it really is. That is sad, but reassuring. As a child you should not concern yourself with things of that nature. The harsh reality of life is not for the young, but for people who have a chance of baring it.

There is one of the true differences between children and adults, the sense of reality. The knowing of how hard things are and how much someones opinion, what they say stays with you, and knowing how to deal with it. If you haven't noticed yet I have only spoke of children and adults. Now we speak of the tough years, these are the years that I am in, these are the years of transition.
Adolescence or the teen years are incredibly difficult because that is where you make the change from child to adult, boy to man. In these years you still have a bit of child, but you start to learn the real truth of life. You start to see things the way they really are and your eyes open up to the world around you. In this stage so many things can go wrong through the transition. You can take it too slow and know you are gonna get bit in the butt later, or you could be like me. You could get plunged in, head first, early in the years and be forced to make the transition early. Yes, I consider myself a man, and more of a man than some. As hard as it has been for me I had something else to hold me back, the neglect to treat the disorder that has been controlling me since I hit junior high.

Everyone calls this depression, except for me of course. I have a far better name for what this is, I call it black hole syndrome. No matter what no light will fill it up, and now like will ever escape. That is how I go every day.

Parents, I want to write this part specifically to all parents. You need to make a better effort to understand your kids. You all struggle, and have you daily lives and I know this. You need to keep in mind that your kids, especially the teenages go through the same amount if not more. That being said they do not know how to deal with it. That can lead to catastrophic results. Results like me. I mean, you can always kind of tell if someone was born with it. It is always there, even if it does not really take off until adolescence.

Anyone who is friends with someone with this problem. Try to make it a point to be there for your friends! You do not know what a little bit of reassurance from someone you care about can do to you. It can be almost life changing, so try to make it a point to give it when someone needs it. Your friend cares so much about you, and I am sure that is equal considering that you are friends.

Family of these people, yes parents I am getting you twice. You need to have absolute patience with someone who feels this way. You can not show that you are embarrassed by them, or bring them down lower than they are. You are there main source to hold them up when they need it. You can be the difference in a life.

Lastly people with this disorder I want to address you. The sufferers from black hole syndrome. This can be one of the toughest things to overcome and a lot of us don't. Strength is the key, and getting help when you can. Help is the single most important thing in your life. It can be what drags you out of the despair that you are in. Some of us never catch on to this....

Like I said, I had neglected to take care of my black hole syndrome. That is what led me to the point that I go to for all of this to happen. To leave you behind and go on by myself. The lively boy is now laying on his bed lifeless. I am sorry, I love you.


Another Depressed Teen

The author's comments:
This is about a severly depressed teen who turns to end what he considers his problem. The point is to put you in his mind.


This article has 3 comments.

TTTeeSS GOLD said...
on Apr. 19 2012 at 5:33 pm
TTTeeSS GOLD, La Porte, Colorado
17 articles 6 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no such thing as nothing, yet there is such thing as nothing, simply because there is nothing such as nothing.

Wow. This is a new fav of mine!

on Apr. 19 2012 at 12:47 pm
FluteFreak SILVER, Auburn, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Insanity just adds a little spice to life!" -Me

This is a very emotionally moving piece.

on Apr. 16 2012 at 3:42 pm
Allicat001 SILVER, Waukesha, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 170 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Love is not someone you can live with, love is someone you can&#039;t live without.&quot; <br /> <br /> &quot;Always stand up for what&#039;s right even if that means you&#039;re standing alone.&quot;

This was really good and really triggered emotions from the reader, I almost started crying at the end.