The Family | Teen Ink

The Family

May 21, 2013
By Rosielovesreading BRONZE, Glasgow, Other
Rosielovesreading BRONZE, Glasgow, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Child

Hello my name is Felix, I am 9 years old and today I went to Loch Lomond with my Mum and Dad. We took a picnic and climbed up Conic Hill. Dad brought a bottle of wine. Again.
We played scrabble, Mum won! Mum and dad laughed and drank wine and I got some sweeties! It was a really nice family outing; we got the train back to Hyndland and walked home. Dad said he had to go out to do some work but he always said that. Mum tried to make him stay and watch a movie but in the end he stormed out the door. Mum and me got a blanket and popcorn and sat down on the couch to watch Mall Cop, it was my favourite film! Half way through the film we heard a key turn in the door and a mumbled shout. Mum told me to go up to bed. I didn't’t argue, I didn't’t want to be here when dad came home but didn't’t want mum to be here either. I jumped into bed as fast as I could and climbed down under the covers but that wasn’t enough to block out the sound of shouting, hitting and crying.
After an hour of this I got out of bed and got my iPod and headphones and put on a story tape and eventually drifted off to sleep.
When I woke up mum was in my room with a bag with my wardrobe wide open, packing stuff, but before I had to time to ask why, dad stormed in and grabbed mums wrists and demanded what she was doing, was she going to visit that man? Take his son away from him? Mum tried to calm dad down but dad just slapped her cheek. Mum crumbled to the floor, dad turned around and saw me crying and picked me up and took me down stairs and sat me on his lap and started to say mum was a bad wife and mother and I had to hate her but I just kept thinking its not mum its you, but he said he loved me and drove me to school.
At school my friends were all asking what’s wrong but I couldn’t tell them or Ms Mcaul, I would hate to be taken away from my family. I just want a bit of support and someone to talk to but there is no one. Who knows what will be waiting when I get home?

The Victim

My name is Suzanne and I am a victim of domestic abuse. My husband is a lovely caring father and husband when he is not drunk, but when the drink gets to him he turns into a monster. We had a lovely day today, we went to Loch Lomand with our son, Felix, we played scrabble, ate a lovely pic-nic but then Tom took out the bottle of wine. He must have slipped it in when I was getting ready or something but it was here now. I thought maybe if I drunk it too then it would be fine and it was. Until we got home and he hopped off to the pub. I tried not to think about what will happen when he gets home. I tried to call my mother to look after Felix but there was no answer. When I heard the key in the door I rushed Felix up to bed. He couldn’t see what Tom was going to do to me.
He slammed the door shut, stormed into the living room and seen the blanket on the sofa and demanded to know what man I had here with me! I tried to tell him it was just Felix and I but he didn’t listen and slapped me hard over my face. I screamed at him and pushed him away but he kept asking me, who, who was it? When I said Felix again he grabbed my arm and shoved me down on the couch and punched and slapped me over and over. I was screaming and he was shouting.
I was crying and he turned silent and went up to bed. I sat thinking what the hell am I going to do? He was a lovely man when he was sober! I loved him after everything and he was a great father and after that one time 5 years ago I kissed John, he wont let it go even though he knows I’m sorry and I was really drunk.
I go up to the computer and searched help lines for abused woman. I clicked on Domestic Abuse Project and email them but as I’m looking on the website I hear Tom get out of bed but I have just enough time to press the “Click to leave this page quickly” button. He comes in and without any words, picks me up and takes me into bed and kisses me and I cant refuse.
The next morning I wake up about 7, look to the right of me but no sign of Tom, he must be at the shops so I go into to Felix’s room, get one of his backpacks and start shoving clothes into it. We were going to run away and stay at my mothers until we got things sorted. I looked round to Felix, he was just rubbing his eyes. Tom came in and grabbed my wrist and asked if I was going to see that man, “NO” I screamed at him, “I’m going to get away from you, you’re hurting me and our son!” He didn’t listen, he slapped me and I fell to the floor. He picked up Felix and took him out. Five minutes later I heard the door shut.
I cried and cried for what seemed like hours but the phone rang and I ran down stairs to pick it up. It was mum. She heard me crying and said she was coming round right away. I refused and said I was fine. What if Tom hurt her? I could never live with that. I hung up on her. I went up-stairs and curled up in a small ball on the bed.

The Perpetrator

My name is Tom Burns and I am pleading guilty to the crime of wilful murder of my wife Suzanne Burns. I beat her until near death and stabbed her 5 times in the chest.
My son was still at school and there was no one else in the house apart from us.
I loved her, but she didn’t love me back.
She should have asked for help. Stopped me somehow. I should have listened and not gone to the pub every night and got drunk and took everything out on her. I have ruined so many lives – including my son’s and Suzanne’s mother. So many more people have been affected. It was only meant to teach her a lesson, it was never meant to lead to this.
I am so, so sorry Felix. Your mum loved you. Those were her last words.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece not because i have witnessed anything like this but i think its an important issue in life and not enough focus on this topic. I just want to make people more aware of this extremely, ever rising issue.

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