The Beast Inside | Teen Ink

The Beast Inside

December 2, 2013
By Chipmunk BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
Chipmunk BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This had gone for too long. The spark inside Ricky's heart had now grown into a full-fledged fire, fueled by the anger held back from the name calling, teasing, and arguments. Multiple people, multiple memories swam endlessly through the sea that was his mind. Most of these memories were so vividly detailed so that he would never forget them.

Throughout his days bad things had happened to him, and every time something bad happened, Ricky was told to suck it up and forget about it. But he could never forget. Ricky wished that they had never told him to suck it up. If they never had done that then this incident might never have happened.

It all started one day at school. The weather was gray, cloudy and cold, not the ideal day. Ricky didn't know how it started or how it happened. All he knew was that in one twenty-four hour period, he had turned from a friendly lovable person into an outcast of society.

The bell had just rung for fourth hour, and he was on his way to class, the hallways slowly filling up with people. That's when Ricky saw him, the six foot four giant who had bullied him every day since he had transferred to this school. As they passed each other, the giant shoved Ricky, forcing him against the hard metal lockers with a tremendous crash. That was all it took. The flame in Ricky's heart surged forward, taking the weight of his body and putting the fury into his clenched fist that was hurtling toward his enemy's jaw.

In a matter of seconds, the giant who had stood a whole head above Ricky, was now on the floor, crumpled into a ball and not moving.

The rest of the students stood in silence, shocked. No one had ever expected Ricky to do such a horrid thing. He was always so quiet and peaceful.

No one knew he had the beast inside.

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