Its Not as Easy as It Seems | Teen Ink

Its Not as Easy as It Seems

March 7, 2014
By A.Mxo SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
A.Mxo SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sat up on my bed thinking about my life and how much it has changed since I’ve gotten married. There is so many things going on that I have to take responsibility for. While putting on my burka I thought about why my mom always told me that this was the right way for women to dress. I felt secure knowing that my body is always covered up, it showed that I have a lot of respect for myself.
Looking at the clock, on my white wall it showed that it was a quarter to twelve and my husband was coming home soon. Lunch wasn’t ready so I had to hurry. Rushing down the steps, I had an idea that a sandwich would be the fastest things to make before he came home. I knew I had to hurry to get John’s lunch done before he got home. It was a woman's duty to have her husband food on the table when they got home from work. I got to the kitchen took out the bread for the cabinet, the ham and cheese from the refrigerator and put coffee in the coffee maker. As I started to make the two sandwiches I thought to myself, I hope I get these sandwiches done on time, I don’t want to get screamed at by John because I didn’t have food ready.
The door slammed open hitting the wall making a loud sound.
“Hi honey, how was work?” I walked up to John trying to give him a hug.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Amy. I’m not in a good mood. I'm starving, where’s my food?” He walked towards the kitchen looking for the food I made him.
“I forgot, it passed my mind, I made you sandwiches,” walking towards the kitchen.
“A sandwhich? I’ve been working all morning and all you could make me is a sandwich?” he said, throwing the sandwiches across the table.
“Calm down. I’ll make you something else, give me a few minutes,” I said, picking up the sandwiches from the table.
“I don’t want anything at all!” He walked away and sat down on the couch.
“John, don’t get mad over this,” I said, walking towards him.
“I told you to leave me alone!” He pushed me to the floor.
“Why would you do that? What’s wrong with you?” my words choked up as I said them.
“I told you to leave me alone, Amy!” He said, leaving her on the grown, walking up the steps.

I got up from the floor as fast as I could, whipped my hands and the tears off my face. I got my jacket, put my shoes on and ran out my house. I couldn't believe that John pushed me on the ground. I didn’t want a marriage like this. Anna warned me about this, I should have listened to her. Good thing that Anna’s house is only two blocks away, I need someone to talk to about this. I know Anna is going to be upset with me she should me not to get married so soon. I should of waited longer to get married but it felt like it was the right time.
“Anna open the door, it’s Amy,” I said, while banging on the door.
“Amy what's wrong? Why are you crying? Come in before someone sees you,” she said, seeing me standing on the steps with a cut on my arm.
“Ana I'm so surprised, I don’t know how this happened. I didn’t want a marriage like this.” she said sitting down on the couch.
“You know you’re not supposed to be walking the street by yourself. You have to have a male walking with you at all times,” looking at her with a serious face.
“I know but I panicked, I couldn’t stay there with him!” I said, putting my hands on my knees.
“I’m here for you Amy, tell me what happened,” she said, taking a seat next to her.
“It all happened so fast!” she said, raising her voice.
“Take a deep breath start from the beginning.”
“I kind of had the idea that he was mad, he slammed the door when he came in. I didn’t have lunch made, it was only two sandwiches so he got mad. He told me to leave him alone but I thought it would be better if I comforted him. He got even more angry so he pushed me on the floor. I’m so shocked I never thought John would do this to me, he promised he would never put his hands on me and I believed him, I really did.” whipping the tears off her face as they ran down her cheek.
“Amy this happens to everyone, just calm down take a deep breath and try to relax.” rubbing her hand on Amy’s back.
“I just hope he’s not mad at me. Good thing you live close and I don’t have to call you for me to come over, that really helps a lot,” giving her a little smile.
“We’re sisters, thats what I’m here for. Go back home, talk to John and try to work things out, don’t avoid the situation. That will only make matters worse,” getting up fixing her skirt.
“Thanks Anna, I will,” as she stood up from the couch I gave Anna a hug and walked out the door.

Walking home I slowed down my pace to give me time to think about what to say to John. Looking around I tried to make sure that no one saw me walking alone, I knew that could get me in trouble. I started to think about what Ana told me and I knew that I had to talk this out with John, I couldn’t leave the situation like this. Biting my nails I started to walk slower as I started to approach my house. I didn’t know what to say to John, I couldn’t find any words to say to him. Putting my keys on the lock, I took a deep breath as I slowly opened the door. Taking off my shoes at the front of the door I walked into the living room where I found John sitting at the dinner table. My eyes sparkled with amazement when I saw that John had lunch set up on the table there was bread, butter and my favorite seafood soup.
“Sit down Amy” pulling her chair out to give her space to sit at the table.
“I’m sorry I know,” folding her hands on the table.
“No! I’m sorry I shouldn’t have gotten violent with you,” he said, staring into my eyes as water filled up in his.
“You shouldn’t have, you promised you would never put your hands on me,” my voice cracked as I tried to hold back my tears.
“I know, I will never do it again, please forgive me,” he said, putting his hands over mine, trying to give me comfort.
“I do forgive you but next time it happens, I’m leaving for good!” I said, pulling my hands away from his.
“I didn’t mean to put my hands on you, I was frustrated when I came home from work. My manager gave me a hard time, I had to do extra work moving boxes out of the delivery trucks,” looking at her with a blank face.
“It’s okay John, I forgive you.” giving him a little smile as she talked.

John got up, walked to the kitchen and brought out flowers handing them to me. My face lit up with surprise. We hugged each other and sat at the table getting ready to eat lunch. I knew he was sorry, I felt relieved that we worked things out. I knew that this marriage would have it’s ups and down but I knew this was the right thing for me. John made me the happiest girl.

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