"Surprise!" | Teen Ink


March 17, 2014
By KaileyWend BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
KaileyWend BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“This just isn’t going to work Michelle,” Charles whispered.

Hank, crouched behind the door to his parent’s bedroom could hardly make out the argument between his parents. This being a reoccurring thing for the past couple months Hank began to worry.

“There is no use in arguing, what’s done is done. We’ll just have to try our best to keep it from Hank for now.” Michelle finalized, ending their conversation.

Hank could hear her getting up and walking towards the door, so he stumbled to his room without getting caught for eavesdropping. Hank fell back onto his bed and stared around his room. Old racecar toys and baseball décor that was way too childish for a sixteen year old decorated his walls. “Maybe a divorce won’t be so bad after all.” Hank contemplated. He thought of his two best friends, Jackson and Collin who both went through their parent’s divorces last year. Their parents had been fighting just like Hank’s, so Hank figured he was next. “I’ll have two rooms that way one of them is bound to be more mature than this lame room,” he decided, trying to accept what he believed to be the inevitable. “But how could they possibly do this the day before my birthday?” Hank fought back to hold in the tears.

“Hank, breakfast is ready!” his mother called from the other room. Hank, his mother, and his father all sat down for a silent breakfast with only a few shared glances and a “will you pass the butter,” from his father.

As Hank drove himself to school, he began to devise a plan. There was no way he would let his parents split up. He was already an only kid; a divorce would only make home life lonelier. He grabbed his wallet and inside was a twenty. “Perfect,” Hank said to himself with a smile.

After baseball practice, Hank stopped at Walmart but knew his parents expected him home at six o’clock so he had to hurry. He grabbed two cards. One read, “World’s Greatest Parents,” and the other a thank you card. He figured he could thank them for being such great parents and always keeping the family strong. Hank grabbed two balloons as well and on his way home he picked up carryout of his parents favorite restaurant. Hank drove home with a smile. It was operation guilt trip time.

Hank parked in the driveway but snuck around back and used the back door. He flew open the back door, snuck around the corner, into the living room and entered with a huge, “Surprise!”

Hank though, was the surprised one. Suddenly over twenty people began to rise up from various hiding spots. He saw his aunt’s head pop up from behind the couch and Jackson and Collin came out from behind the curtains.

“Surprise,” everyone yelled at various times in a confused manner.

Michelle’s excitement turned to frustration. “Why do you have balloons and food? Did you know this entire time about your surprise party?”

“I thought you and Dad were getting a divorce. So I wanted to bring you guys together and us all have a nice night. I had no idea about all of this.”

Embarrassed, as family members and friends looked on, Hank’s mom tried to explain herself. “I know your father and I have fought a lot lately, and I’m sorry. But that’s why we wanted to make your birthday special. We love each other very much and would never want to split up the family Hank.”

Hank grew hot with embarrassment but just sighed with relief. He added his balloons to the rest and yelled, “Well, lets party!”

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