Scarlett's Rollercoaster | Teen Ink

Scarlett's Rollercoaster

April 24, 2014
By Emily_Duval BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Emily_Duval BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gravel crunched under tires as a taxi rolled to a stop in front of an abandoned amusement park. The door slowly opened as Max Johnson stepped out. Max stands six feet tall, but hunches his back slightly under the weight of his old age. His bright green eyes stared up at the faded sign, which once welcomed visitors, now hung limply on a rusted nail threatening to fall with the slightest breeze. A smile broke across his wrinkled cheeks remembering when the sign was first hung. He pulled his gaze away from the sign and paid the driver asking him to return in two hours. Ignoring the man's concerned look, Max began his walk into the amusement park, pushing trash away with his cane as he went.

While he walked, memories flooded back to Max. He sat down on the only stable bench left in the park. A sigh escaped his lips as the scenery around him morphed into the summer of 1953. Max had just graduated high school and spent every moment avoiding any thought about the future. A seventy-nine year old Max watched his eighteen year old self as he picked up the wallet of the stunningly beautiful girl ahead of him. A smile broke across his face as he observed his younger self sprint to catch up to the girl. She turned around as he caught up, her floral printed dress swaying perfectly in time with her movements while bringing out her curves, Max remembered how her smile knocked the breath out of his lungs. “You dropped your wallet back there, ma’am” he heard himself mumble shyly. Her warm hazel eyes made his heart swell as the light breeze caught a couple of the honey brown curls on her hair. He noticed that while she may not be the skinniest girl he ever met, she was by far the prettiest. “Why thank you! I’m afraid I’m awfully forgetful and clumsy. Would you like to join me for the rest of the day? In case I drop my wallet again and don’t notice” she added hastily. Max remembered how much his heart soared at her question. A laugh escaped Max’s lips as his younger self nodded vigorously, then stopped after he realized how desperate he looked. “I’m Max Johnson by the way,” he said trying to regain his confidence. “Scarlett Lane,” she replied as she shook his hand. Max watched as the two walked towards the rides, remembering the tingling sensation her touch left behind every time. He breathed out a sigh as he remembered the rest of that beautiful day. The two new found friends hopped from booth to booth competing against one another and joking as they went. By the end of the day they managed to enjoy every ride in the park, except for one. He watched as the younger Max tried to convince Scarlett to ride the biggest ride in the park. “Please can we ride it? I know you’ll love it! You’re not too chicken are you?” Max teased as he pleaded with Scarlett. “ I am not chicken! I’ll ride it only if you sit next to me.” Her response caused Max to blush as he promised he would.

Max pushed himself up, letting out a small grunt as his joints creaked. Birds fluttered from their hidden nests into the clear blue sky when Max limped past, occasionally stopping to catch his breath at random game booths or rides. He paused at the old ring toss booth, where he had won Scarlett a giant stuffed dog the following summer. She was so happy that she probably would have agreed to marry him right then and there. A small grin worked its way across his face at the thought. He hobbled from booth to booth choking back tears as he remembered all the games they played over the years and the prizes he won for her, now all donated to charity. Eventually, he creaked open the rusted gate leading to the spinning teapot ride, the first ride they ever rode together. Scarlett swore that the red one spun faster than all the rest and refused to get in any other teapot. Max chuckled at the memory of his cheeky younger self spinning the teapot fast enough that Scarlett’s momentum brought her around to his side. Now, the once fast teacup that overflowed with laughter, groaned against the wind.

Finally, he arrived at the one place he had been avoiding. The roller coaster where he had first fallen in love with Scarlett, their favorite ride in the whole park, the one they rode at least three times every time they came, where he proposed to her years after they first met, now loomed motionless creaking as the wind brushed past it. He took a deep breath and forced his way through the rusted gate and to the bottom of the roller coaster. There he stood as he remembered the countless number of lines they stood in anticipating the joy filled ride ahead. His fingers brushed over the wood railing leading up to the ride, as he recalled their conversations over the years. Eventually his pace slowed as he approached the dreaded spot of the ground of the roller coaster. The memory took over his mind as he stared at the spot. The last ride they took together, her slipping from his arms, Scarlett’s body being thrown from the roller coaster and the ear splitting shriek cut short by the ground. Max fell to his knees at the spot where she had landed and hugged himself as the tears he held back all day flowed. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a single yellow daisy and placed it where his younger self had held her as she died. Max struggled to get up, then he limped back out the gate glancing over his shoulder on last time. A small smile formed on his face as he saw her waving to him mouthing the words “I love you” before he turned his back and walked back to the front gates.

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