The Bully | Teen Ink

The Bully

May 19, 2014
By Anonymous

I go to Kerrywood middle school. There is a massive bully in the 8th grade named Jack M. This is the story of how I stopped him.
At the start of school I was on my way to first period when the beast bumped into me. I said, “S-sorry J-J-J-a-ack”. He said back to me, “That’s not enough get on your knees and beg for your life”. I replied back “Please let me live, It’ll never happen again”. “Good”. He shoved me to the ground and left.
I was late for first period. When I walked in my teacher just plain said, “You’re late again Cameron”. I said, “Sorry Mrs. Terry”. After school I went around the back so Jack wouldn’t spot me. He was around the corner I moved, but he came over and picked me up from the shirt. I couldn’t breathe. I did the only thing I could do. I kicked him in the crouch. He screamed and dropped me. I punched him again and he screamed a word I am not going to say. He didn’t get up for a while so I left and said, “You deserve that you…” I’m not going to say that word either. He didn’t bother me the next day. I was proud of myself. Of course we both got D-hall for violence, but it was worth it anyway. And that’s how I stopped the bully.

The author's comments:
Something similar happened in my past but it wasn't nearly this brutal.

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