Best summer vacation | Teen Ink

Best summer vacation

June 4, 2014
By Robert Lagerman BRONZE, Milwakee, Wisconsin
Robert Lagerman BRONZE, Milwakee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The best summer vacation I ever had was when my family and I went to Hawaii. I was so happy when I found out we were going because I always wanted to go to Hawaii. The only thing that I didn’t like was the plane ride because it was an 8 hour flight, and it was crammed and my sister was putting all her stuff where my legs go, so I didn’t have leg room. Once we landed it was awesome! Hawaii is very beautiful and everyone is nice there.
Once we got to our house we saw a little green gecko but I could not catch it. My dad and I also went fishing right in front of our house, but we did not have that much luck because there were a lot of rocks and not a lot of deep water. We got snagged a lot, and the only fish we caught was a moray eel. We noticed there were other people fishing who were locals, so they knew how to fish in the spot we were. They caught two crevalles, big fish with a light blue color.

My family and I went snorkeling the next day in a protected area that means in that area you can’t fish or go spearfishing. Since it was a protected area the fish were really tame.
One day I woke up and I was sitting on the couch listening to music, and my dad was standing outside with his spear gun with an octopus at the end of it. He had gone out earlier before I woke. He was spear fishing right outside our beach house, and he didn’t have luck until an octopus swam right past him! It was pretty cool. Later, we grilled the octopus. It took a while because we didn’t really know how to cook octopus.
The next day we signed up for the moonlight paddle down the river.The moonlight paddle is when it is a full moon and there are close to 500 people wearing glow sticks and you kayak or paddleboard down the river. The full moon makes it bright for mid- night.
The next day we went on a glider plane, my sister and I went together. A glider plane is when a plane with a motor has a rope attached to a glider plane, a small plane with no motor. The plane with the motor pulls you up at a certain height and then detaches the rope and the glider plane just glides. The view from the glider plane was amazing but it was a little scary because the pilot was making jokes like, Do you guys know how to fly a plane? Once we landed we went to go get shave ice witch is like a snow cone, but its alot better. We started walking while we ate our shave ice, and I looked at this coconut tree and there was a sign attached to the tree that said “do not park, falling coconuts,” I thought it was very funny.
On our last day in hawaii we went to a beach that my dad had visited the last time he was there. There was a big 30 foot tall rock, or more like a cliff, and a lot of people in line to jump off it. My dad and my sister did it so my sister jumped off and did a regular jump and my dad when he was a kid did gymnastics so he did a spinning backflip! It was cool. The kid that was after my dad tried to do what my dad did, and he cut his head on a rock and was bleeding. At the end of the day we ate at this amazing restaurant. I ordered fried ahi tuna, my sister got calamari, and my mom and dad got muscles. It was a very good way to end the trip. This will always be my best summer vacation.

The author's comments:
This is about my vacation to hawaii

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