Georgia's Fame | Teen Ink

Georgia's Fame

October 2, 2014
By Lauren2323 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Lauren2323 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Georgia Rose couldn’t control her famous life. As a professional singer who had won many famous awards. She was overwhelmed. Georgia thought she couldn’t be happy because she had to stress over opinions and fame. She would learn soon.

A pop star who was gorgeous could describe Georgia. She grew up in Florida with a happy middle-class family. Her family knew she was talented as soon as she started to sing. Throughout school, Georgia had friends, but she never really had someone she could fully trust with everything. She was insecure and shy. Her school would host talent shows, and she would never participate. Georgia told herself she wouldn’t win because everyone else was popular. Often, Georgia would sit in the woods and sing where no one could hear her.
In the tenth grade, Georgia had her first boyfriend. On their first date, Trent would find out about her singing. Georgia was nervous about the date and went to sing in the woods. When Trent arrived, Georgia’s parents told him where she was. He searched the woods for a while before finding her. Georgia was in shock that someone besides her family knew about her voice.
Trent told Georgia every day how good of a singer she was. Her confidence skyrocketed. Georgia joined her church’s choir. She loved singing the hymns and singing with a mature group. Her voice was becoming stronger and stronger every Sunday. On Easter Sunday, a little girl in the congregation, Della Smith, would be baptized. Della loved Georgia’s voice, and asked her to sing during the baptism. In the beginning, Georgia was skeptical about singing a solo. Eventually, she agreed to sing. She practiced every day for weeks, and when the day came, Georgia was ready. Della was little, but she was smart. She knew her uncle would come to see her get baptised. Her uncle, Johnny, was a producer. Della wanted to see what her Uncle Johnny would think.
Johnny was astonished, and bombarded her with questions. He offered her a record deal, and Georgia almost fainted. Of course, Georgia would have to take a lot of things into consideration before signing with Perry Music Records. She informed Johnny that she would get back to him as soon as she talked to her parents. Johnny gave her his card and left the church. Georgia decided to tell the choir what just happened, and they celebrated by going out for lunch. Her parents still didn’t know, but she was too happy to worry about what they would say. The whole choir warned her, however, that it was odd of a producer to offer a record deal immediately like Johnny did. Georgia wanted to find out more about the company and Johnny before she even considered signing.
Georgia ran into her room after lunch, and pulled out her laptop. She typed in Johnny’s information from the card he gave her into Google. Nothing but good things popped up about him. Relief flooded Georgia instantly, and she read about him in articles and concluded that she could trust him. When she looked up Perry Music Records, Georgia realized that how many famous people had signed with them also. She thought that maybe she should contact someone who had signed with the company. She called several people, and most said they had a good experience. All Georgia could think about was how much fun she would have singing across America. Never once did Georgia even think about telling her parents.
At dinner, Georgia remembered that she hadn’t even told her parents. “Mom, Dad, you’re not going to believe this,” Georgia said very nonchalantly, “A man came up to me and offered me a record deal. Can I sign with Perry Music Records, please?” Her parents laughed and rolled their eyes. “Are you seriously going to tell us that a stranger wants to make you a star? That is all you’re going to tell us? You need to look into this more. You don’t even know him,” her parents yelled at her. Georgia couldn’t believe what just happened. Her parents were always supportive of her, and now they are scolding her for chasing her dreams. She told them that she needed to go to Trent’s, and left the house.
Trent acted happy for her, but said the same thing that her parents did. He informed her that she shouldn’t get too excited because it might not work out in the end. All these factors stressed Georgia out. She went home and upstairs into her room and cried. Her parents came up and apologized for yelling at her. Georgia forgave them. She gave her mom Johnny’s card, and told her to look him up. Trent came over the next morning and told Georgia that he would support her no matter what. Georgia told everyone that she would forget the arguments, but she never would.
After a week of studying the company and Johnny, her parents had a new theory about signing. They wanted her to complete high school before going. Georgia compromised since she was a senior. Johnny understood and decided to sign Georgia, but not let her work until she graduated. Georgia’s hand shook while she signed the contract, and her parents cried. Trent took her on a date afterwards, and Georgia thought she finally had her life on track. She was thrilled with life at this time. It seemed that nothing could slow Georgia Rose down.
Waiting for graduation flew by fast. Next thing she knew she was starting her first album. When it released, it sold fantastically. One million copies sold in two months. The reporters followed her every move, but she didn’t care. She was famous! Georgia constantly thought about going on tour, but Johnny said it was too soon. “After you finish your second album, you can tour. But you have to collect more fans across America before touring,” Johnny informed her. Georgia was nervous, but she agreed. Either way, Georgia couldn’t tour until her second album released, so she just decided that would be okay.
A blink of an eye, and Georgia was recording her second album. When it released, Georgia announced her tour. Lots of people bought tickets, but she wasn’t amazed by the numbers. The second album didn’t sell as much as the first. Georgia earned the nickname “One Album Wonder”, a mean reference to one hit wonder. News reporters attacked her asking what happened. Everyone wanted to know what happened to Georgia. Georgia knew exactly what happened to her. Trent.
Trent no longer answered Georgia’s phone calls, and they hadn’t talked in months. Trent was the only part of her old life that she wanted back, and it seemed he has disappeared. One day, Georgia decided she would go see him at home. When Trent answered the door, he acted as if he didn’t know her. “Why haven’t you answered my phone calls? I need you to talk to. Why are you ignoring me?” Georgia desperately wanted to know. Trent said, “I don’t think you love me anymore. You think you’re too good to talk to me. I think we should break up.” Trent had set up a wall that Georgia couldn’t get over. He felt unwanted, and Georgia didn’t know how to let him know that he was. She slowly backed away from the door without saying a word. When Trent shut the door, Georgia sprinted to her car and cried. Luckily, the reporters hadn’t followed her to Trent’s house, or else this situation would be everywhere. She drove home in a blur.
Georgia’s parents were angry at Trent, but they were sympathetic to their daughter. Georgia stayed in her room for several days, only leaving to get food and use the bathroom. The reporters noticed her sudden disappearance, and were determined to find out what was going on. Soon, Trent started talking to reporters. They bombarded her yard to see what she had to say. Georgia felt like giving up her career.
All the rumors started to get to Georgia. Her second album was a disaster, and she no longer had her best friend in her life. Johnny wanted to know where she was, and why she wasn’t at work. Georgia explained everything to Johnny. “I understand you are going through a hard time, but we need you at work. This is your job now, and it isn’t optional.” Johnny explained. “I will do my best to be back, Johnny. I just really need a break from everything,” Georgia said. She was losing hope, and the thought of quitting had consumed her mind for days. Her life was a mess.
One rainy afternoon, there was a knock on the door. Assuming it was a reporter, Georgia ignored it. When she heard the knock several times, she became annoyed.
‘What?” Georgia yelled after she opened the door. She looked down and saw a little girl. Instantly, she recognized Della. The little girl who started Georgia’s career is here to see her. She apologized and let Della enter. Della got to the point quick.
“What’s the deal with you lately? You’re all over the news and it’s not good stuff.” Della said. 
Georgia said to Della, “My boyfriend broke up with me, and my album sucks. That’s the deal with me. I want to quit. I’m tired of the reporters and the publicity.”
“Georgia, are you really letting that get to you? You have fans that support no matter what and you’re letting them down. You can’t give up because of a problem. What always helped you when you were having a bad day before you were famous?” Della explains.
“I used to sing in the woods. That really helped. My fans have all left me. They all know that I’m about to quit.” Georgia had tears strolling down her face.
“Oh, they have left you?” Della opened the door, and instead of finding reporters, she found girls, and some boys, all screaming her name. Some had posters, and others had shirts with her picture on them. Someone had her second album playing from speakers, and everyone was singing along to the first track. Della picked a bullhorn and said, “If you don’t want Georgia Rose to quit her music career, let me hear you scream!” The crowd erupted into a high pitched scream. Georgia started to cry, and took the bullhorn from Della.
“Thank you for coming. I will never quit because I have the best fanbase ever. I love you guys!” Georgia yelled into the bullhorn.
Della exclaimed to the crowd that Georgia had to go inside and talk to Johnny. They all screamed and shouted. Some started to head home, and others continued to stand in the yard. Della told them that Georgia would not be back out, and they all left.
“How did you do that?” Georgia cried. “While you were in the house crying your eyes out over that jerk Trent, I told the reporters that I was your sister. They attacked me asking what was wrong. I said to the camera, “All Georgia Rose fans come to 177 Oak Street on September 8th at 1:00.”  They started to show up around eleven. I announced why you were upset, and everyone decided to help me motivate you. Did it work?” Della said.
Yes, of course, it worked!” Georgia screamed and wrapped Della into a hug. Della has done so much for Georgia. She got her career started, and kept it going. Georgia addressed the public soon after Della’s help. She announced that she was not quitting, and that she would start her tour soon.
Johnny called and informed Georgia that he knew all along about Della’s plan. He was grateful that she didn’t want to quit anymore. Nothing could, or would, stop Georgia. After lots of planning, the tour was ready to start. Georgia was ready to start the tour. She wanted to see her fans again.
Georgia called Trent, and told him everything she wanted to tell him. About all the heartbreak, the sadness, everything. Trent apologized. Georgia told Trent that she never wanted to see him again, and that he was a jerk. It felt good to lash out on him. Trent cried over the phone, and Georgia hung up and laughed at him. She was happy, and now he was the sad one.
Georgia started her tour and loved every bit of it. Every time she would talk, the crowd would go crazy. They sang along to all of her songs. Della went with her on the tour, after pulling some strings. Georgia wanted her there for support. Della loved it too, and sometimes she would go out on stage and just stand there while the crowd roared. Everyone knew Della. She was the one who kept Georgia going. Georgia had the best time of her life performing on tour. She completely forgot about Trent, and how some people thought that her album was bad. Georgia learned that the only people that mattered were her family, and her fans. Nothing else was relevant to her. She started to love life again.

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