My Bad Day | Teen Ink

My Bad Day

November 13, 2014
By Zaire98 BRONZE, Camden, New Jersey
Zaire98 BRONZE, Camden, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a very long time ago in the middle of Camden, the hard rough and dirty streets were where I played growing up. I didn’t have a lot of friends, only two: Juwan and Qua. Juwan was really a good athlete. He played just about any and every sport you can think of. Qua, on the other hand, was some type of hip-hop dancer and she would dance to every beat I rapped on. Yes, I was the talented rapper and even tried to form a rap group called “cb4”.
One day, the guys and I were all at school walking the halls when Juwan start beat boxing down the hall. I start spitting my tunes, until we saw the hall monitor. I split up from the pack and ran back into my classroom. I was in math class with my arch enemy, Miss Loveingsburg, the biggest and meanest teacher I ever had. While my class sat in Miss Loveingsburg’s room waiting for her period to end, all of a sudden the power goes out through the whole school for just about twenty five minutes. That saved us from her terrible math work.
After that, I was walking  the halls with my homeboys when Miss Loveingsburg called me back into her class for an incomplete assignment I forgot to do during class, so I would not be left behind in my work ,which was kind of weird  because she was my arch enemy and my arch enemy would not want me to catch up on my work. After leaving Miss Loveingsberg’s class, I was so tired the rest of the school day.
After lunch, my crew and I were walking to our next period class when the day just starts to go bad. I went to my science class and had a pop quiz on animals and human equality. I haven’t studied for this test all week and was not ready to take it. I had to find some type of excuse to get out of the science class, so I started to disobey my teachers and started to act up.
I ended up in detention for the rest of the day, even after school and you would not believe who my detention teacher was: Miss Loveingsburg.

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