Attention to Detail | Teen Ink

Attention to Detail

December 9, 2014
By Driedplatypus BRONZE, Addison, Maine
Driedplatypus BRONZE, Addison, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.

As John stood there on the ledge, with the picture of his once beloved wife Jessica crumpled in his hand. The wind ripped around him, blowing his fairly long blond hair around. He takes one last look at the picture of his wife in her wedding dress. Her long black hair styled into some sort of braided bun. Her tan face positioned in a big smile, and her hands holding a bouquet of flowers. Most of them daffodils which were a bright mix of white, yellow, and orange. The white dress had once been beautiful especially on his wife but now the look of it disgusted him beyond belief. The love they once shared was now ripped apart like an old shack in a tornado.
His eyes once bright and blue were not bloodshot, and tired partially glazed over from lack of sleep and the tears he’s cried. He tossed the photo over, watching it fall slowly like a feather. The wind would catch it every once in a while and send it flying in another direction. Swooping further and further down until it reached the bottom of the ravine. Where it would lay amongst the dry and dark sand.
He began to think again of his wife. The thought ripped him apart from the inside and it would soon take its toll on the outside as well. He then thought of the man who stole his beloved. A short and fat man with a dark almost grey and oily complexion. Jonas was his name. He wasn’t the slightest bit attractive, his head big and block like, his nose long and crooked almost as crooked as his smile. He would wear ill-fitting suits that would almost emphasize his roundness. He had a lot of money and that’s apparently what his wife wanted.
He had been a CEO of a company and he was about to be promoted before this man fired him for something he didn’t do. He either had to move or find a new profession because there was no way he could build his way up the ranks of another company not again. Ten hard years of sucking up to someone he hated he couldn’t do it again. So he went back to school.
That meant for a part of the time his wife would have to work and she didn’t want that so she looked to the grease ball. He was single and rich by anyone’s standards and that was her ticket out. She left him in no time without a thought.
John finally decided what he was going to do now. He took one last look behind him. The city which he had once lived with his wife was there and in front of him was his future. He turned ahead and looked into the ravine dark, cold, and lifeless. He closed his eyes and stepped forward.

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