Sky the husky | Teen Ink

Sky the husky

January 22, 2015
By bianca21 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
bianca21 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
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On my fifteenth birthday overall, I obtained $750 dollars in birthday money from relatives. My dad had already bought me an iPhone, tablet, and anything a girl could dream of. I couldn’t decide on what I wanted and summer had started, so I decided to buy a husky puppy behind my parents’ back. 
It’s not that my parents don’t like animals necessarily, it’s just that they saw me as irresponsible to care for another life. It was summer and I thought I had plenty of time to care for a dog.
My search for a puppy lasted for a week until I came upon an Ad on craigslist that there were 10, two month old Siberian Huskies for $250 each. When I saw the picture of them I fell in love with them. There was no way I couldn’t have one. With a lot of bribing I managed to convince my brother to give me a ride to go see them, but I forgot to tell him my mom didn’t know I was getting a puppy.
We drove for about twenty minutes until we got to the house where the puppies were located at. There were ten stunning blue eyed huskies with ears that stood up. Some had chocolate brown and gray fur and others were light gray and white. I swear choosing my husky was a harder decision than choosing my college.
Eight of the puppies were laying down taking a nap as one was getting taken by another adopter. Then there was this beautiful, playful puppy that caught my eye. She was running around the cage they had them in, trying to wake up her siblings from their nap and playing with a loud squeaky chew toy.
As soon as I picked her up to see if I would like her, she licked my face and laid her head on my chest so calmly. My heart melted when I realized how soft her fur was and how cuddly she was. Then I knew she was the puppy for me.
After holding her for about five minutes, I paid the man selling the puppy and I took my hyper, small, brown and white, blue eyed puppy to home with me. As my brother drove I tried thinking of a name for her. When I looked into her sky blue eyes, I decided her name would be sky.
When I got home and walked into my house with my new puppy my parents freaked out. They yelled at my brother for giving me a ride, and at me for getting a dog. I simply said, “Mom, this isn’t a pair of jeans, I can’t return a puppy.”
My parents gave me a list of rules for me to be allowed to keep Sky. I was to walk her every day, bathe her every other day, train her, feed her, and clean up her mess.  I agreed to it thinking it would be an easy task.
My dog’s prior to sky were dogs we had bought who were already trained and big, or small dogs that caused no harm. Dealing with a husky is no joke. They grow quicker than my eyebrows when I stop plucking them. They also have an immense amount of energy.
Huskies have a lot of fur, so the summer heat frustrates them more, yet like any other puppy they hate baths. When it was time to bathe sky I would dread it every time. She would try to run away, and ran around my house wet from me. She would scratch me and give me a bath instead. What would frustrate me the most was that instead of helping me, my family would ridicule me. Every time I would complain my parents would laugh and say “Hahaha! But you wanted a dog!”
Feeding her was also a drag, see I had to be on her schedule and she would finish water and food quickly. So that meant I had the pooper scooper all the time, since she would always have food to digest in her stomach.
Walking sky in the middle of July was terrible, she was extremely energetic and would never get tired. She was getting bigger and faster by the day and would pull me so hard. I felt embarrassed because other dog walkers had good control over their dogs, and mine was so chaotic everywhere. It was so hot too, so she would get me tired and walk me.
When I bought sky she caught my attention because she was playful compared to her siblings and I thought it would be the fun kind of playful puppy that grew slowly. Sky would jump on me, expecting me to carry her like if she was a baby, while weighing 50lbs. I remember though, as hyper as she was, her favorite thing to do was to cuddle and I remembered how much I loved her then.
Training felt like it was impossible. I watched videos, took her to trainers, and nothing. She would just not listen. The only way to control her is if she was doing something bad I would give her a treat and she would stop.  I would cry out of frustration, Sky was beyond my control and I was proving my parents right.
One day I went to the fair with my friends all day while my parents were at work. I forgot I couldn’t leave sky alone and left her alone in the backyard. I remember walking in and my dad gave me the death glare, and furiously said, “Go look at the backyard.”
Slowly I walked, scared not knowing what to expect. I opened our patio door and I saw disaster. My dad leaves his clothes hanging outside to dry during the day, well sky tore his clothes up. She dug about ten holes, ripped our phone line cables, and went to the bathroom everywhere. I knew this was my fault because Sky isn’t good on her own.
I looked down and sadly said, “Dad I can fix this I’ll start right now!”
He looked at me and said “You really think I’m going to let that dog stay?”
My dad said, “Sky is beautiful and all, but I’m afraid she has too much energy for the space we can offer her in our backyard. Just find a good home out in the country for her that’s where she belongs. I want her out of my house in three days and I want you to clean the backyard first thing tomorrow night.”
I went and sat next to Sky and cried while I talked to her. I told her “Sky why would you do this to me why? I worked so hard to let you stay here and this is how you pay me back? I love you, don’t worry I will only take you to a good home.”
She laid her head on me and cried as if she knew something was wrong. I was laying on the grass under the moon with her as she would look at me with eyes that said she was sorry.
After an hour my mom called me into the house and made me make a craigslist ad to rehome Sky. I asked for $200 so I could make sure they had money to be able to support her needs.
I got many calls for Sky, but they were all people who lived in town. Finally, someone from Benton City who lived out in the country was interested. I decided that Sky would be best off with that family. She would have tons of running space.
When it was time to drop off Sky , I put her in the truck with as my dad drove us to Benton City . The whole twenty minute drive Sky cried, as if she knew she was leaving the house. It broke my heart knowing those were my last minutes with her. My tears flowed down my face as hard as I tried to resist crying.
Arriving to the house put me at ease. We got off the truck and I pet Sky one last time. She gave me a kiss and ran around the family’s property. She ran so happy and freely, something she couldn’t do at my house. I saw how happy she looked and I knew she was better off there than in my small backyard.
It was hard on me to let go of Sky because I put so much time into caring for her, but it was selfish to keep her with me for my satisfaction. The car ride home I cried a lot because I had a lot of love for Sky, but if you love something sometimes you  have to let it go.

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