The Polar Bears | Teen Ink

The Polar Bears

March 5, 2015
By Yunje Lee BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Yunje Lee BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 In 2050, the first day of summer, every polar was gone and every polar bear was exterminated. I know the fact that I was late to repent.
When I was young, I saw the TV show about the melting ice and houses of many polar bears are melting. And I thought that I help for polar bears. So I began to set up the plan for helping polar bears.

My Plan : 1st- Researching about why we protect polar.
2nd- Making banners about my researching data.
3rd- Going to the place where the people get together much like the main streets. And giving the banners to people.

After I made the plan, I said my plan to my parents. When I said, they just listened my plan without response. And after about few minutes, my mom said. "I know you really like polar bear, and you want to help them. But honey,  you are so young. And you should study for your future. See your friends? They want to help them like you. But they don’t. No, you and your friends can’t. Why? Because you should study and go to your school…” “But mom, I really want to do that and I don’t mind studying. Because I will help and protect polar bears when I grow up. So please consent that I carry out my plan.” I said. “Stop said, my son. I can understand what do you think and what do you want to do now. But you don’t know your future. And we don’t know either, my son. And you can carry out your plan when you grow up.” Dad said. “But daddy……” “ Stop say anymore! We know you want to do that. But we don’t want you to do that. Right? If you understand, enter in your room and study your homework and tests!” I couldn’t say anymore. I knew they don’t want me to do that and they say ‘No.’ But I didn’t want to give up. No, I couldn’t give up. Because if I thought many polar bears, my heart felt very pain. So I said my plan to my parents again, again, again. But the situation was more aggravated. When I said my plan to my parents, my parents pressed increasingly. I knew they want me to go to good college and to get good job. And I didn’t want to get problems with my parents again. So I just studied to fulfill for their hope. Sometimes, I saw news about melting polar. But I didn’t do anything because I knew I can’t do anything. So I become adult, and I fulfilled for hope of my parents. I went to go to one of the best college and got the best job. But I’m not happy. Because I heard that the news said any polar melted when I went to college. They said all polar in our planet melted and sea water swallowed many big and small islands. Moreover all polar bears were exterminated due to the egoistic mind of the people. I really repented about I didn’t do my plan. But I know it is so late. The our planet is revenging to people because of the egoistic mind of the people. If a chance is given to me at a time, I will not do the same mistake. I hope the readers who is reading this story will never do the mistake like me for your planet. And I think you need to think for your planet and another living things.

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This article has 1 comment.

Axela17 GOLD said...
on Mar. 16 2015 at 1:52 pm
Axela17 GOLD, New Bremen, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live by the body, I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." -Galatians 2:20

You have many distracting proofreading errors. Many of your sentences are missing little words like "to". And the language you use needs to develop maturely. Polar bears are a great subject to write about, but your story didn't catch my attention. Make it personal; make it you. I hope this helps!