The Big Game | Teen Ink

The Big Game

March 4, 2015
By Em1703 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Em1703 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for." Ephesians 1:11

We were in the fifth match. We were even, 2-2. This was the most important volleyball game of my life. It was the state championship game. I am a right side hitter. Getting a kill is the most exciting thing that can happen if you’re a hitter.
My team was losing 14-13 in the fifth match. If you go to five matches, you only play to fifteen. One mistake could end it all. All of the hard work we had put in this season could end with a loss. The whole team was on their toes. There was no way we were going to lose. We couldn’t let this go, we were to close. If we lost it would be devastating.
Our coach was the best you could get. She pushed us so much and I realized that she just does that because she believed in us. All of a sudden our coach called a time out. It was the last one that we could have. We ran over and grabbed our water bottles. I didn’t even realize how hot and sweaty I was.
Our coach said, “Ladies, y’all have to give it your all. We’ve worked way too hard to lose now. Seniors, this is your last and most important game of your life.”
“Wow, I didn’t even realize that this was my last game,” I thought.
“Here’s the plan,” said my coach, “ I want a steady pass to the setter. After that I want an amazing kill! This play could make you or break you. Lets go ladies.”
We all said “Mounties on three, one… two… three… Mounties,” and went back on the court.
“This is it,” i thought.
So much was on the line. I pushed my flyaway hairs back towards my ponytail, took a deep breath, and prayed. I started talking up the team as our opponent was getting ready to serve. The server tossed the ball up and I thought to myself, “Here we go.” The ball came over the net so fast. Our libero dove and dug the ball up to our setter.
I called my number, “9, 9, 9.”
The setter set the most perfect set to me. 
I thought, ‘It’s all on me now.”
I saw an opening on the court. I jumped and swung at the ball with so much force. The ball went flying flying past the opponent’s libero and hit just inside the court. I screamed with happiness as my coach and my teammates jumped up and down. I can’t believe what just happened. It was now tied 14-14.
“Two more points,” I thought.
Our middle hitter went to serve. I was breathing so hard. She tossed the ball up and hit it. To my surprise, she got an ace. We celebrated but then we got serious. This could be it. We could win right here. Our team served. Sadly the other team dug up the ball. Their setter got it and sent the ball flying to their outside hitter. She was tall and powerful. I didn’t know what was going to happen. Their player jumped up. Our other middle hitter went up to block with me. I felt the ball hit my hands.The ball hit the floor on the other side. It took me a second to realize it. I just blocked the winning shot. My team jumped on me . It was the most exciting thing ever.
We shaked hands with the other team as they brought us our trophy. They handed it to me.
After taking pictures with my team, I kissed the trophy and thanked God for everything that He has given me.  

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