Fallen Angel | Teen Ink

Fallen Angel

June 2, 2015
By Brianna_Dzubak BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
Brianna_Dzubak BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She lays there, in a puddle of blood. Her body smashed from the pressure. Her face straight in the sidewalk. Her legs twisted in a non human form. This is the only thing on the news.
   Angel, a very sweet and positive girl. She never wanted to hurt anyone. But Vanessa, selfish and bitter, had different thoughts about her. It was Angel’s first day at a new school. Everyone loved her and tried to help and just crowded around her. Angel never liked a lot of attention. She would rather have no one help her then have everyone help her. Vanessa was a popular, very annoying, and rude girl. She wasn't someone who liked new people. Angel was on her list of people she wanted gone. So she thought of some ways to get rid of her.
Vanessa had big hair, tight cloths, and a rude attitude. She knew everyone loved her. Tho everyone secretly hated her. She knew that Angel stole the spotlight for the first day of school. She knew it would end soon. Until days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Three months had past and Vanessa had to do something to get the spotlight back on her.
Angel went to school one fine day, like she does everyday. To only be greeted by Vanessa. Angel smiled like a girl on a magazine, then thanked Vanessa for opening the door until Vanessa closed the door on her face. “Opps. I’m so sorry, hahaha!” Vanessa said in a sarcastic voice. Angel thought nothing of it and shook it off. Vanessa came up to Angel later that day to only mention that her cloths were awful “What’s wrong with them?” stuttered  Angel. “Everything!” Vanessa shouted.
Angel rushed home and cried herself to sleep. Her room is small and on the 2nd story. Her mom and dad have abused her for many years and she just got put in a foster home. The pain she felt was worst than ever. It just ended at home a few months ago and it starting at school now. Angel knew she can’t escape it. She never even liked her new school. She hates it even more. But no matter how hard she tries she can’t escape. Weeping, Angel fell hard to the ground seeing the damage that Vanessa had done to her. Her mind filled with horrible thoughts. Was there ever going to be a happy ending? Could she escape this once? What has she done to deserve this? These thoughts ran around in her mind for what seemed like hours, but were only minutes. Words she knew that they would call her had been written all over her face. Stupid, ugly, fat, mistake. Pounding her fist against the wall and crying for help only to be ignored. Vanessa was going to win the battle that had started that morning. Angel had black on her whole face since she weeped before taking off her mascara. But Angel didn't care. She opened up her window and before thinking, jumped. In those few second of falling Angel knew she would be free. Soon, she would be flying with the angels.
“Wow, she moved already, that was easy!” thought Vanessa. Only to be presented by the truth. Angels gone to heaven was graffitied on Angels locker. Vanessa was blinded by the truth. She fell to her knees and started hitting the ground. All her weight on her beaten hands and bruised knees. “Why did it get this far” she thought. Nothing she did helped the fact that she did it. She caused Angel’s death. No one gave Vanessa attention. They all focused on Angels death. She went home “sick” that day so she could be alone. She went to bed early that night. The skinny figured jumping, the figure was Angel, innocent and sweet. 
Nothing was the same. That had to be fake, a bad dream! Vanessa didn’t speak about it to anyone. She didn’t want to. But her mom did. Whats is this? Did you hear about the girl at your school? The one that did suicide? Whats her name again? Wait it’s Angel. Did you know her? Her mom said that all in one breath. Yes. I knew her, barely. (she lied there), Why? questioned Vanessa. Look at the news was her moms only respons.
Vanessa sees the sickening photo. Angel lays there, in a puddle of blood. Her body smashed from the pressure. Her face straight in the sidewalk. Her legs twisted in a non human form. This is the only thing that Vanessa sees on the news.

The author's comments:

Bulling is a big problem in the united states. I wanted a piece that could show the effect.

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