Behind the Eyes | Teen Ink

Behind the Eyes

June 10, 2015
By Anneke Carlo BRONZE, Amherst, New York
Anneke Carlo BRONZE, Amherst, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love love. I love the way you feel when you are in it, I even love the way you feel when you are out of love too. Love is my favorite thing in the world. Before I met Charlie, I hated love. I thought that love was fake and that it didn’t exist. Then I met Charlie at the supermarket and it must’ve been the way he gazed at the tomatoes, I knew that I was going to marry this boy. Or at least try and marry that boy.
Charlie is 5’9” with sandy brown hair and bright, blue eyes that pierce your heart every time he looks at you. When I went to the supermarket that one day, I was not expecting to find my future husband, I was just getting some milk. He dropped his cabbage and I picked it up for him and as I did so, I saw his baby blue eyes that would one day be the reason why I would marry him.
After the encounter at the grocery store, I couldn’t stop thinking about his eyes. I just kept wondering why they were so blue and why it seemed like he knew everything about me from just looking at me with those eyes. I wanted to know more about Charlie so I did what any other American does and I googled him. Millions of search results came up but I knew that there was just one Charlie with the blue eyes. After hours of searching, I found him: Charlie Phillips. I soon found his Facebook profile where I snooped to find out just a little more dirt on this mysterious man.
On Charlie’s facebook page, his relationship status was married. This destroyed me. How could he be married when he looked at me with those eyes? There was no way. I was in love with him. As dumb as that sounds, I was! Those eyes somehow got a hold of my heart and was not letting go anytime soon. I needed to be with him, but I did not want to be a homewrecker and destroy a marriage! My mother would be so upset with me, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. But was it worth it if I could be with someone whose eyes captivate my soul, something I’ve never experienced before?
I snooped around some more because I needed to see what my competition looked like. I found her: Rosemary. Who names their kid Rosemary? Honestly it wasn’t even a competition after I saw her profile picture, she’s nothing special. But she is special if she is married to Charlie! I needed to think about how I was going to handle the situation. I decided that I was being irrational and that I needed to sleep on it, move on, and think about how i felt in the morning. If I was still having strong feelings and thinking about Charlie as much as I think about Fruity Pebbles (I love Fruity Pebbles), then I would try and run into Charlie again and actually have a conversation this time.
Just my luck, I found him at the supermarket a few weeks later, looking at the tomatoes again with those beautiful eyes of his. I decided to spill my drink on him so he would have to talk to me. He got really upset but I was so apologetic that he calmed down just enough for me to blurt out, “I love you.” He looked at me for a really long time with this puzzled, but dreamy look on his face.
“Excuse me? I don’t even know who you are,” he said to me.
“I know you don’t know who I am, but I am in love with you. I have been ever since that day you dropped your cabbage and I picked it up for you. Listen Charlie Phillips, I love you and I don’t care what Rosemary has to say, we are getting married.”
After saying this, I was feeling adventurous so I planted a big, sloppy kiss right on his beautiful face. He ended up calling the supermarket police on me, (I didn’t even know there was such a thing,” and having me removed from him. It was scary but I needed to tell Charlie how I truly felt about him! I don’t regret causing a scene in the grocery store either, it was more than worth it. I don’t have to go my whole life wondering what would’ve happened if I told him how i really felt. Now I know exactly what would happen: I would end up with many restraining orders and I did have to spend a little time in supermarket jail. But honestly, I would do it again if I could. Just to see those stunning, blue eyes stare at me again.
I still love Charlie Phillips, but he is still married to Rosemary with two little girls, (yes I still stalk his Facebook), and I am still searching the grocery store for my next lover.

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