The Calm, and The Deadly | Teen Ink

The Calm, and The Deadly

May 26, 2015
By Anonymous

I ventured into the woods during the weekend trying to get away from all this emotion in the city. Drama was always happening everywhere I went. It was so peaceful and calm back here in the woods, at least twenty five miles away from the nearest city.

Why doesn’t  anyone live here? Birds chirping, trees blowing, and an aroma coming from the flowers as I took a seat on a comfortable looking flat rock, watching all the brown leaves fall towards a small lake.

  The wind started to pick up some speed and more and more leaves fell and the clouds grew darker and darker. I was getting a little frightened and started making my way back to my house in the city, but I could barely move the wind was so strong it kept pushing me back to where I started. I felt a little mist of water hit my face and looked back towards the small lake which was now being flung around like a ragdoll. I could hear thunder and saw lightning striking everywhere around me; it was until then that I noticed i was in the middle of a tornado.

The clouds started to spiral at dangerous speeds down to the ground rain was everywhere and i was drenched full of cold water and the searing winds just made it worse. I had nothing on me not even a phone so i had to resort to surviving. I ran to the lowest grounds I could find and started to dig a hole for extra safety. The tornado was gaining massive size and quickly leveled through the wind scale and the lightning was striking everywhere. I could hear the trees cracking and being flung in my direction like i was a target on a dart board.

The tornado was vicious and it wouldn't go away. Suddenly I heard a noise off in the distance and it sounded like a car, but who would drive way out here? I found out after peeking out of my hole that it was a tornado chaser. I had to get over to them and fast.. it’s the only way I could possibly get out alive. I ran so fast straight through the high winds and muddy ground from the lake and the rain the tornado brought. I could see burning trees that were being put out by the rain. I finally reached the cars and pulled myself together until I blacked out from a hard hit to the head.

I woke up later that day in a hospital back in the city. The tornado chasers saved my life and took me to the hospital and told me all about it. Apparently I was all over the news and recorded on live footage known as “The Tornado Man”. I've never been so glad to be alive and back in the city again.

The author's comments:

My teacher inspired me

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