The Heidelberg | Teen Ink

The Heidelberg

January 19, 2016
By susie12 BRONZE, Smithtown, New York
susie12 BRONZE, Smithtown, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   It was probably two a.m. but who could tell in the city that never sleeps. Even at the ghostly hours of the night the city was illuminated. Evangeline was falling asleep against the cab window, work had been tough that day. The apartment was a few blocks south and she could of walked but rule number one for a young girl in the city: never walk around alone at night past two o’clock; nothing good happens past two a.m. Granted, she could handle herself very well in a difficult situation but hopefully she’ll never need to. After what seemed like an eternity the cab stopped in front of her building. Tossing the cab driver a ten, Evangeline couldn’t of run faster to get inside. It was starting to rain and she just wasn’t in the mood. Tiptoeing into the apartment and to her room, she made sure not to wake Matty. He has his big new internship at some corporate law firm that was supposed to be the best in the city, early tomorrow morning. Matty had made big to do about not waking him up. “I know how late you like to come home, and I swear to God, Ev, if you wake me up before I get my eight hours of sleep I will kill you,” to which she responded which her usual amount of snarky sarcasm, “Are you sure it shouldn't be ten hours? You need the beauty sleep,” which got Ev a pillow thrown in her face.  Nevertheless, she listened and did her best not to wake him up.
  The apartment was pitch black as Evangeline maneuvered her way to the bedroom dodging the couch and the broken floorboard guaranteeing she wouldn't make a sound. As soon as she got there she plopped down on the bed. To her surprise there was a lump already there. Jasmin. Groggily Jasmin rolled over pushing Ev off the bed, “It’s my turn for the bed get off.” “Yea, yea whatever” Evangeline mumbled back. She could make out a mass of blankets and pillows engulfing who she assumed to be Maison. Stealing one of each, Evangeline made a makeshift bed on the floor. When she settled it was like all her energy vanished and she was quick to sleep.
  “Hey what the -” Evangeline was brought out of her slumber to find a foot on her face. “Oops, sorry,” responded the owner who she could tell was Maison because of her signature burgundy nail polish. Pulling her foot off Mai took off to the shower. She literally ran so she could get there first as Buzz was leaving. Jenson in return had a scowl on his face as he was waiting forever for Buzz to get out of the shower. For a dude with the name Buzz you would think he had a buzz cut but nope his hair was almost to his shoulders. That was his excuse for taking so long in the shower, “How else do you expect me  to keep these locks luscious.” 
  Suddenly the tune from Kim Possible flooded the room. Scarlett was calling. “Hey sis,” Evangeline answered balancing her phone between her ear and shoulder while simultaneously pouring a bowl of cereal. Just to her luck there was no milk. Damn Jenson he always uses way too much. Guess she’ll have to eat it dry. “What are you doing right now,” Scarlett uttered excitedly. “Eating some cereal but without milk because Jenson drank it all. Hate that guy,” she mumbled back. She didn't actually hate him, who could with those eyes and that Aladdin resemblance. And he’s also a criminology major so he could could kill you and dispose of the body and make it seem as though you ran away but he likes to think it’s his eyes.
  “Well when you finish get over here I have some news,” “What are you offering me another fancy schmancy job?” “Yea, my friend’s photographer bailed last minute and I said you’d do it.” “You know how I feel about you getting me jobs.” “Put aside your ego for one day and please do this.” “Fine,” Evangeline replied dragging out the syllable , “Text me the time and place.”
  Just as she hung up Maison got out of the shower and she raced in. “No fair I've been waiting forever!” a voice from the couch yelled. “Sucks to suck, Jenson,” she yelled back.
“OK turn, that’s it. Put your hand on your hip,” whatever she said the model obeyed. Now Evangeline admits that being a model photographer isn't exactly what she had in mind when deciding on photography. But hey, the bills gotta be paid somehow.
  Speaking of bills, the way Ev and the gang acquired money may not be the most meritorious way. Long story short - they’re con-men. Well, con-people. Now it’s not the best and may be “technically illegal” but it pays the bills. Matty’s the only one who was able to make it out of this life what with his fancy new paid internship at the law firm. But the rest, well it’s all they really do besides random jobs here and there. They consider themselves freelance.
  None of the cons are big time, though. The cops really pay no attention to them the most they do is scam people out of a couple bucks with rigged “find the lady” card games and pick-pocketing. One time Evangeline and Buzz were able to scam five hundred dollars out of this lady. They called it “The Heidelberg” because well, they just liked the sound of it. It was their proudest achievement, but only proud between their fellow con-people. You don’t go around telling everyone you meet about the time you swindled some woman out of five hundred smackaroos. Usually you don’t even remember their appearance. But this lady, Aksana Viktorski, better known as Ana Victor stuck. Evangeline will never forget her because just as she was wrapping up the shoot, Mrs. Victor walked in.
Her heart was beating so loud she would be surprised if V didn't hear it. They were the only two left in the studio.
  “You conned me out of five hundred dollars,” she said to Ev making her jump. Her suppressed Belorussian accent made it even creepier. Gulping, she replied, “I’m sorry, I think you have the wrong person,” trying to sound calm and confused as to why she would think that. “You and your big friend were good. You impressed me. I have a proposition for you.” “Really she wants to make me a deal. She’s not angry?” she thought. “What is it?”
  “I’m offering you the opportunity be part of the greatest con of the century. Are you in?” 

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