Alone | Teen Ink


February 18, 2016
By anexistentialpeanut BRONZE, Double Oak, Texas
anexistentialpeanut BRONZE, Double Oak, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are 7 billion 47 million people on the planet
and I have the audacity to think I matter."
- George Watsky "Tiny Glowing Screens Pt. 2"

And she held him rapturously, with patient  moonlight piercing their darkness in ominous tendrils. And she loved him endlessly with the longing that seemed to draw her aching heart into itself and back out again time after time. And she kissed him until the light whisper of her lips hung about him like an aura. And through her passion he slept on.

I could see the  decadent honey of her irises gleaming through the brilliant sunlight. We hadn't yet met with spring showers and the day was soft. I felt a light wind wrapping itself around her chestnut twists and curls as I twirled them in my fingers.

She turned from me and I listened to the pit pat of her pale white toes dancing away from me in the warm grass. Her dress, the color of bluebells, whispered and pranced shyly in the cool breeze. I felt my own feet chasing her through the shrubs and pools of sunlight, clumsily falling where she had previously alighted.

Her shadow danced beside her and together they weaved in and out of the trees before us. I caught a glimpse of her waves. She made a graceful leap over a stray branch, holding her arms out like a bird poised in flight. Her airy azure gown swam wistfully through the golden pools.

As we sauntered, the forest gave way to a green meadow. There she stood in all her splendor. Her smile latched onto me as I stood in reverence. Her presence had me fixated, and I suddenly felt as if my knees would give way beneath me. This girl was the essence of my being. She filled me with breath and held onto the menacing ability to take it away again. Yet to me, she was no one. She had no name. I struggled to place her as her face melted before me into the thousands of others that I had seen, and then into my own.

And suddenly, I was alone.

The author's comments:

I wrote this to reflect on some inner thoughts. I had felt like I was searching for something unattainable, when really I was only looking for myself.

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