The Shooting | Teen Ink

The Shooting

March 1, 2016
By AnthonyJ BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
AnthonyJ BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day started off empty, nothing to look forward to for a teenager going to high school. It was bitter cold and the clouds were just hovering over. Max could see a blurred light in the distance, it was his dank bus. As soon as he got on he was welcomed with a warm

“Good morning”,but Max’s mind was cluttered. He was anxious about the test in Geometry in school today. The bus ride felt rather fast since he was occupied.
He arrived to school.
He walked swiftly to his locker, dropped off his jacket and began to walk about the school first period.  His morning walk was his way of calming his mind and waking up. Max was pondering on what his day will, of course that test was on his mind. As he was walking, Max saw Sam. His mind lost track and now he was focused on her but only for a split second. She was talking to her colorful friends. They would talk, laugh and hiss at each other just as any teenager would.
Max arrived to a snowy window, it was laced with soft snow. He gazed out the window and was hypnotized by the wind blowing the snow. The snow just brought him down, Max was worried about how he has to shovel the driveway later or how cold it will be. Seconds go by as the window was covered with snow like frosting on a cake.
First period was as slow as going on a family trip. Just like the trips he takes with his parents, he didn't mind. The bell rang, Max picked up his cumbersome backpack and started to walk to the cafeteria. It was on the other side of the school and the line was usually crowded with impatient kids ram into the front of the line.

The lengthy day was coming to an end. Max looked around the empty hallway and saw no one.
Where is everyone? Maybe I’m just late.
Max was sure he was on time since he didn’t hear the annoyingly aggressive bell.
“Hmm, maybe I should hustle to my locker and get to the lunchroom.” He shut his locker and the echo rang down the hall.
“What is that?”
Max peeked through the classroom window to see if a class was watching a documentary on a bloody war. Every five seconds, he would hear a popping echo through the halls. His Curiosity got the best of him and he went to investigate.
Oh my god!
Max couldn't believe his eyes. that Alex? His mouth was dry and you could hear his voice trembling.
As each second passed, Max became more and more frightened. Max tightly grabbed his backpack, walked nervously towards Alex and spoke:
“Alex? Is that you?” Max tried to speak in a tone as a friend would but it didn't come out clearly.
Alex turned around, gun strapped to his body. His eyes were dead and full of misery. Alex didn't say a word.
“ you remember me?” Said Max nervously. The hallway was silent as a grave. This moment was reminiscent of when Max first heard about a shooting.
   ?   ?   ?
It wasn't long before he realized he had to step out of his fabricated world and into the real world. Recently he would turn on the TV and wonder what was going on in the world.
“ Today's Top news; twelve injured and two dead in a shooting.”
Max sees paramedics moving vigorously through a mob of kids to help the injured kids. He was terrified but keeps it to himself. His eyes and ears were glued to the TV because he didn't want to miss one second. This was a lot for a twelve year old.
His dad got home from work at five as always.
“Dad look!” Yelled Max in a petrified voice.
“Oh god, that's terrible. Where did this happened?”
“Nearby...I...I think it's the next town over dad.” His dad rubbed his tangled hair.
“ Im sure it will be alright. Don't worry about it. Did you do your homework yet?”
Max gazed at the TV and didn't hear a single word. He started to get antsy.
“ Max are you ok? Max?”
“ Oh yeah. Its...nothing, I'll go finish my homework.”
?    ?    ?
“Yes I remember you Max. You were a good friend Max, but even you forgot about me.” Murmured Alex.
“ No no I didnt. I still remember you. What are you doing?”
“What do you think?!” Hissed Alex.
“ Alright Alright, calm down. You don't have to do this, I can help you.” Max tried to sound confident but eerie silence in the hallway and the smell of gunpowder pierced through him.
“ Please just go. I don't want to hurt you.”
What should I do? I can't just leave him to go and kill my friends.
“Max, please go.” Insisted Alex
Maybe I can tackle him over power him. This could be my chance to make a difference and save my friends. Alex wasn’t a tough kids to begin with. Alex is rather scrawny and weak, but he has a gun...
Max  cowardly dropped his backpack and run as fast as he could. With each step he took, his eyes leaked tears. Alex rushed vigorously to the nearest exit. He gripped the cold handle, yanked the door and left the school.
Max saw the luminous and booming sirens. Parents were informed of the incident and many if not all arrived to the school. Max struggled through the crowd, walking past his friends to find his parents. His smeared eyes from crying made it exhausting.
When he saw his parents, he was rushed with emotions he hasn't experienced in a long time.
“MOM! DAD!” screamed Max at the top of his lungs.
“Max, we're so glad you're ok!” Said his mother, as she hugged him tightly.
His Dad knew he wasn't ok, he could tell by his drenched face.
“I could have stopped him, but I didn't.” Cried Max
“Max, it's not your fault. You did the right thing. Please don't carry the blame” his father reinsured.
Max wiped his tears and then he could see, his friends made it out in time and they too were experiencing the same feelings with their loving parents. 

The author's comments:

How I would act to a situation like this 

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