If He Only Knew | Teen Ink

If He Only Knew

March 13, 2016
By bobby3clay BRONZE, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
bobby3clay BRONZE, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the middle of Spring. April showers brought May flowers and one police officer felt on top of the world. Officer Scott was closing in on the biggest investigation of his life and as if that was not enough, he was scheduled to get married to the love of his life that next month. He was living in what seemed to be a perfect world.
The way they met was in an extremely strange way. It was not the usual high school sweetheart, blind date, or love at first sight kind of story. She was a worker in a business that had gotten busted for laundering money in which he investigated. She was interested in how a case like that develops and since she was a victim of the crime, she was a great help to Scott in settling the case. They had developed a liking for each other through conversations about the case and eventually hit it off.
Scott held a high reputation throughout the country and was given the honor to investigate the case of the number one most wanted criminal. It was a local crime to Scott’s hometown of Philadelphia and he was determined to put a stop to it as soon as he could. It was taking a toll on him deeply but he knew it was the price he had to pay in order to achieve the success of the hunt that had been going on for years.
Scott had a pretty routine schedule. It seemed to him as if his life was on repeat. He’d work all day, come home and work all night. It sounds like a boring lifestyle, but for some reason he loved every bit of it. Finding out new pieces to the puzzle gave him a thrill like no other. His fiancee was a blessing, too. Most partners in her situation would get annoyed if their significant other did nothing but work their life away and rarely have any time at all to spend with one another. She, however, completely understood his situation and would give him any moral support she could. Sometimes, she would even sit with him at his desk and sort out some of the missing pieces. It was like a special connection they had with each other and that is part of the reason why Scott knew she was a keeper.
As Scott had drawn closer and closer to the end of this search of the woman named most dangerous criminal in the country, he was called into a meeting with his boss. This was odd to him because his boss usually left him alone in respect of how successful and reliable he was. He usually was left to take care of himself and was trusted.
“Things are really heating up now, Scott, and because of that we have to ask that you do not speak to anybody about the case, no ifs ands or buts.”, Scott’s boss stated firmly. “ We cannot afford losing the edge we have right now by word of mouth going around. Rumors can destroy a case. You cannot tell a soul anything.”
Later that evening, Scott came home to a nice cooked meal by his fiancee. They did not have many of these, but when they did he really enjoyed them. There was no special occasion so he did not know why there was such a nice set up but he decided to just take it all in and have a nice night with his lady.
“So, anything new come from the case at work today?”, his fiancee asked her daily question.
“Just the same old news, nothing important.”, responded Scott recalling what his boss told him. It burned him inside to lie to his fiancee like that but he could not risk her innocently informing someone else and it leading to the loss of his job. Telling her this was a complete lie and he knew it. The biggest information came through that day and although he had to keep his composure he wanted to celebrate. He just prayed that the day was going to be soon that celebrating was acceptable.
Earlier that day, him and his co-workers had discovered trails of a woman, assumed to be the most wanted criminal that they have been searching for, in a building that is believed to be the safe house and location of the illegal activities. It was all set up for Scott to get a warrant to enter the next day after a bit of further investigation.
All the years of hard work to get him to that point just made it feel so surreal to him. His work was not finished though so there was no time for satisfaction. The real work was still yet to be done. This was the most important part of the process in ending a case.
Getting up for work the next day had not been a problem for him whatsoever, considering he did not sleep for a single minute all night thinking of what was about to come that next day. He began to think about how the conclusion of this case was going to set him up for the rest of his future. He would not have to be as stressed out all the time and for once him and his fiancee could start enjoying their lives.  Going into work he was eager for it to be his last day working on that case. There was an office meeting he had to tend to in order to sort through necessary paperwork and gather the individuals that would be in on the job to arrest the woman that afternoon. Once the meeting had concluded it was all business for Scott.
The anticipation was building up as he was driving down the highway en route to the location where it was all going to go down. The SWAT team was going to distance themselves because Scott’s duty was to call for them when he was ready to raid the building. He had to park and remain incognito until there was proof that the most wanted criminal was actually at that location and to assure there were no false accusations.
When Scott arrived at the location he began to take notice of its shadiness. He knew that he was right. There was no two ways about it. That day was finally the day it was all going to be over.
A car pulled up right to the door and out came a woman that fit the description of the criminal. She was about five foot six, dark hair and tan skin. He called in the SWAT team and they all stormed the building together with warrant in hand. Scott looked around and could not believe all that he was seeing. There was an absurd amount of illegal substances and illegal practices. This woman was about to get charged for a ridiculous amount of things.
SWAT team had assembled upstairs in search of the woman and within minutes she was in handcuffs. They were walking her down the stairs when Scott could not believe his eyes. The woman he had been in search for had been in front of his eyes all this time. It was his fiancee.
Looking back on it, it had all made sense now. The way they met should have been the biggest hint to him. She was involved in a money laundering business and, making herself look innocent, eventually restarted the activities that had been going on.
She had used him all this time for the information that he could provide her and the only reason she was caught was because he did not inform her of the news that his boss told him to keep quiet. Otherwise, it would have been a never ending cycle of her avoiding the law. Besides that one night, whenever she asked him about anything work related he would explain everything about the case. It was no wonder why she would be at his side willingly helping him with the investigation. It was her way around the law. She knew when they were closing in on her and would immediately change her ways to avoid being caught.

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