A New Fear to Silence | Teen Ink

A New Fear to Silence

February 7, 2009
By Cassandra Kennedy BRONZE, Dewey, Arizona
Cassandra Kennedy BRONZE, Dewey, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I looked out the window carefully. I wanted to weep as the sun hit my face carefully. It felt burning even as I knew it was only the heat I wasn't quite used to. I turned and looked at the dark, tiny living room.

My mother sat on her usual couch spot, watching the TV in a much to interested way.

"Mommy.....?" I said quietly.
"WHAT!?" Her head almost turned for a moment but stopped and kept to the screen.
"Can I go outside?" I asked, already knowing the answer. I was never aloud outside....

I had never even left the house.

My mother didn't even bother to answer. I went back to watching out the window, being L.A. 's own Boo Radley. Not that they would notice me though.

I was seven then, and nobody knew I even existed. I shriveled away from the window, and hid before Daddy came home to hurt me more.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 3 2010 at 8:32 pm
so sadly awesome. You need to finish it.