The Olympic Turn | Teen Ink

The Olympic Turn

April 12, 2016
By Anonymous

I  was about ready to go to take a nap I've cleaned the house and have nothing left.  As i naped i watch tv and fall into my sleep  i'm about twenty minutes in my nap and i get a phone call from my friend benedict dequan he told me to drive down to the bar and give him some cash to make us billionaires.
He said, “I got a guy he is building the olympic stadium and a hotel in beijing he wants money and we get 50% of the money he earns.”
“i told him it was a scam but”

he said, “No you’re wrong i drove over there and I payed him the money to build the olympics and the hotel. I got home and finish off i went back home my usual day sleep.
It's been 5 years since i gave him the money for the olympics I got to beijing and look at the things that are build i go in the hotel and he is there i walk over and say I got the money for your olympics and hotel now where is my cut. I want my 50% of the money you make cause i payed you. He put a gun to my head and said leave. I had no choice i had to leave.
I said on my way out, “You will regret this”. I got ben and we were on our way to revenge.

i Was in the hotel. As he wired up the explosives he had to make sure the white wire didn't touch the red. The cops were outside so cheng needs to hurry up.

I was on my way going to the warehouse to get my stuff, While i was on my way there but I heard a voice i knew right away I started thinking about my family, my brother i parked not knowing if they would leave without the deal. in my head My brother called out to me, “Don't do this you can't, mom will never forgive you YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!”
I started to turn around but in the middle benedict dequan called me, ¨You got the stuff¨
i replied, ¨Yeah i'm on my way.”

I start striking the deal with the guy. We had a deal where i could check all the bags and he could check my money. We have decided that this is fair so i get the bags and put them in my trunk and then was giving him the money. I drive off as fast as possible to avoid any scams.

I am alone on my journey to the olympics so it will make things a lot harder for me i won't have anyone watching my back so i need to figure out a way to be not noticed. I head to my apartment to pack everything up because i need to get these preparations ready for the olympics. Patrol will be high so i will either need to get in another way or find a way to not be caught. I head to the store very fast to get proper cloths and bags to hold all my belongings. I get in my car and i am on my way To the olympics. I plan to stop at a gas station and run inside to get a snack or two. but of course with my luck a cops tails me on my way there he comes up to my car

“hello there young man,” he says.

“i'm fine, you? is there a reason why you pulled me to the side?” I asked.

“Yes indeed there is you were speeding and also your trunk was open and if i saw right you got some big bags in there where you off to?” he responded.

“oh sorry i didn't even see that my trunk was open and i'm in a rush for a hotel room,” I said.

“You mind if i have a look?” he asked.

“like i said I'm kinda in a rush for a hotel are you sure you need to look through them right now?”

“No i suppose i don't but i would like to. Why don’t you pop the trunk open and i'll tell the hotel to reserve you a spot,” he says.

“Ok sure if i am guaranteed a spot in the hotel there's no harm in that,” I respond.

I observed him looking through my stuff and knew he would come to the bag with the explosives so i needed to do something and fast. I thought and thought time was running out and then i heard him say.

“oh this one's heavy”

I got out and told him to stop, and he refused he kept going threw my stuff, and i couldn't get caught I grabbed his handcuffs and hooked him up to the light pole closed my trunk and drove off to the station played some music and relaxed. After about 20 minutes i’m arrived the station and get a few snacks for the rest of the way.

I drove for about a hour or two more and get to the hotel and then thought to myself how do i get in the hotel with 30 bags in my hand i'll just need help or get a luggage cart. I walk into the hotel and asked for my room wonderful for me i get a floor to myself at least for now. So i need to get to get this done a must find out a way to hide the explosives i think inside the air vents will do i hope it won't be the biggest explosion but it will get the job done. I get a towel and hop in the shower. I get a knock knock on my door and i hear an officer say ¨cheng you there we have a couple question¨ I thought to myself and said ¨i can't act like i'm not here so i have to open the door¨ The cops knocks again and says ¨chang we know you are in there why don't you just open up¨ i walk to the door open it and step out into the hallway.

I say, ¨yeah guys what do you need.¨

The cops said, ¨well one of our officers reported that a cop was handcuffed to a light pole so we asked the cop who was all handcuffed who did this to you well he said some guy named cheng.¨

I stop him and say, ¨i think that you have the wrong guy because i kinda live in china.¨
I lied but i had no choice

¨oh ok yeah you can go back to your shower¨ he said curiously and slowly

I looked out the window and I saw a little girl it scares me. What i am doing is not right but it's for my own sake this evil man stole my money and he can't get away. He was desperate and i was stupid i gave him money for free money with no contract. It's my fault, it will also be my fault for all the people that get hurt i call ben and say no way, i see to many children to many to hurt

´would you want your life to end because this lunatic blew up the city you lived in¨i say

¨no that would not be what i wanted, but we have a reason your mind is in the wrong place. This man stole our money and we believed him he cannot get away with this¨ben regretfully says

¨that's not a reason to hurt everyone else, yeah i hate the guy but this is just not the way to go about it¨ i say

¨got any other ideas?¨ben says

¨no¨ i reply sadly

¨then stop wimping and get to work¨

¨no i won't do this and you can't make me!¨

¨ok” he pauses and says
¨i'll give you a bonus you know what i'll give you 20 million that fair¨he says

¨yeah i guess so but what about the children they will get hurt there's gotta be a way to get the children out before i blow it up¨i say

I thought to myself where how messed up am i? I got  to take a shower i get a towel and I turn on the hot water and then hop in. during my shower i kept thinking ¨they are on to me¨ and kept thinking how bad this was and said ¨I can't do this i can't¨. I go out to eat and i don't know where anything is so i guess i will eat at the hotel. I go down stairs and get some food i was surprised with the wide variety of selections we got here steak, chicken, rice, spaghetti, and lots more. I think i'll have the steak, rice, and chicken. i ate this for about a hour and then my stomach called for some desert. and thought¨i surprised they don't have much¨ i'll have some cake with some fried ice cream on the top. after all of that it's about 8 o'clock
so i think is time for wiring up the bombs in the hotel i thought to myself and said we should do the stadium first. I get in my car and head to the stadium. There is so much police and people at the stadium. I don't think the cops are very helpful but the crowd is, it will help me get inside i put a bomb under every 5 seats and rig up the track. A couple people come to patrol the stadium and i'm not sure if he saw me but i need to get out of here. I hear him say

“Anyone here?, come out now and you won't get in no trouble”

I think to myself “he can't find me i am in the recording room where all the camera display on monitors” i need to get out of here. I start to move slowly and there is not much crowd there is a emergency exit right here but i am afraid it will sound an alarm but it's kind of my only way out of this i got everything done but before i go i place a bomb behind every monitor so i won't get caught. I head to my hotel to watch some tv and take a nap. I’m so happy i have the hotel floor to myself. I take my shower and head to bed. I hop in bed and watch some tv. I turn to the news channel and hear

“We haven't found the man yet but he has cuffed an officer to a light pole he is wearing a black leather jacket and dark jeans. If you see this man call the police immediately. The officer was told by the man he had to go to a hotel, somewhere near the olympics. If you see this man he is dangerous he had big black heavy bags

I thought to myself i gotta start with the hotel now. I get my other bag and put some bombs in the air ducts. I do the whole floor and that's all i got time for cops come up the elevator and i run out the fire exit i rush down and see the olympics are starting i hear my phone ring.

Ben says “i'm going to blow it”

I reply “ok let me get out of here give me 40 seconds weather i'm in or out”

I hang up i leave as soon as possible i get in my car and get out of here fast a cop tries to stop me but i drive rights threw him i hated to do it but i wouldn't of gotten out i think to myself im out im free. Im being chased by some police and i see the end a road block with spikes in the road im coming to an end i will go to. I think to myself is it really over when you're about to go to jail time really slows down. I thought for a way out of this but that was pointless. all the voices came back my brother  “Don't do this you can't, mom will never forgive you YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!” I reply i'm sorry then i'm all out of time it's my time to go to jail.

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